END TIMES: The Hopi Blue Kachina of DOOM (part 1 of 2)
Notice the doll a kachina ...for whom the bell toils

END TIMES: The Hopi Blue Kachina of DOOM (part 1 of 2)

part of my ongoing research decoding "End Times" clues left in #IlluminatiArt from creepy DIA airport murals around the formation New World Order (NWO) & One World Religion

If needed, see this guide(midway) on decoding #IlluminatiArt puzzles embedded in their art

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where the similiarITies and SymMetrics//SYMMETR//o0o\mY)<(e.g. YMCA yay

KEEP IN MIND the NECESSARY vs MESS*separation (species vs organs vs organizations on a mission) IONIc vs DIODIC( binary light vs dark) vs KOANIC (v4.4 /Ab((<ful^/^lbARc\//ark^^) >>>>>???? DAKR (VIA soothing death cab for cutie roo!)

This Apocalyptic one is the focus

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I read this as perspective = timeline: Past, Present, Future presented in 1/3rds:

  •    1) bottom 1/3: PAST: is all death: society African, Indian, Jewish...true believers.
  •    2) middle 1/3: PRESENT: confusion & suffering of the living
  •    3) top 1/3 : FUTURE: nuclear war, mega tsunami, asteroid impacts

let's get started:

1) FIRST THIRD: PAST “darkness & death”

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The death of the natural life.... seas, buffaloes, Indian lands, jungles

The death of family, social fabric (city/goverment/civilization)

The death & inversion of religion: instead of a tool to unify & raise up, it's being used to tear apart, push down and even sacrifice the innocent

The corpses are the rise of the apostate church in ALL faiths, materialists vs spiritualists using religion as a faux righteous sword & shield to oppress others in ways they would not want done to them, as ALL faiths core messages prescribe. aka golden rule, treat your fellow man as yourself as they are by extension yourself

this triptich was mimicked in the end times 2018 fantasy fiction "the House with a clock in its walls" (link) about a retrograde (whole timeline) undo option for undoing the atrocities of multiple world wars, and failed broke species of humanity (see my other articles)

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These coffins represent a cross section of most the major religions in last 200 years. Abrahamic (Christian/Catholicism, Muslim, Jewish) and the Indian & African variations we are less familiar with

Mostly killed off by materialists in worst ways..in pursuit of self over others & profits above people/life...eventually a near dead end for one or more species:

Hills of dead bison (primary food supply) when conquering/settling the west: 60 MILLION Native America Indians to only 800k at end...TRUE first world war

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Hills of dead whales for oil for heating & lighting, when settling America & Alaska

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Hills of dead Humans (Holocaust, Aztec via Spaniards Flu infected blankets) settling South America.

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Burning the rain forests ..fires visible from space, many species we don’t/never knew

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Factories in China, producing so much pollution to hide the earth, and cause illness, disease, horrible working conditions..with suicide nets at iPhone factories, birth defects

Same below the sea... and we are poisoning..and killing many “collatoral damage”

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and same above... 2 garbage patches the size of Texas of floating plastic trash from just people carelessly doing what they do.

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expecting Nature to somehow take care of it as magically like soap bubbles *pop*

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but Nature doesn't work like that, never has, never will, never can.

REAL life ONLY comes from REAL stuff, and outputs REAL stuff.

Life ONLY comes from Life.

where animals running out of food die eating plastics, don’t know that

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they simply don't know what it is and don’t have anything else like a bubble it’s HAS disappeared...as are they, as will WE on this path

the base of our ecosystem (ocean, forest, air)-> food system -> civilization-> IS us

All we have is built off those bones to give us what we call civilization/progress today

A glittering jewel of soap bubble illusion of peace & prosperity, so pretty in sunsets

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with glimmering tall towers reaching to the sky like "Freedom tower" (built on the ashes of twin towers 9/11) pointing to our hopeful future above.. 3, 2, 1...liftoff!

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our progress of electric powered lights, free flowing information, freedom to travel 24/7 the body of human knoweldge in our pocket... also visible from space

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The hope of a star trek like coming world, gives us a unique opportunity, to 'escape'

the first time for any earth life, to avoid extinction like so many species (e.g. dinosaurs)

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who's company we'd end up just like if we had just stayed following the busyness we always do from a myriad of game overs here.

which they are today more than most know

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But as we can escape them..maybe all those sacrifices were worth it?

But will we just repeat the dead ends on other worlds? over and over again? here?

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which is why knowing this was our nature, the greatest GOoD sent his angels and fallen (incarnated) angels:spiritually-ancient astronauts:materialistic aka "annunaki" to help us not end up on a permanent dead end path.

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For #TeamDark (aka Evil) they form the Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State, ...so many names they are nameless faceless true evil, anonymous, other than their symbols they leave as clues to help know what's evil in our best interest vs just random criminals.

ASIDE: The African lady has a black/white shawl/ pattern we see often in Illuminati art

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where tribal natures are likely closer to Illuminati ideals of ‘as it is in Nature’

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Lions eat weak water buffalo, water buffalo kill weak lions.

Or wolves vs sheep ideally kept apart and sustainable equilibrium...

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Less ideally wolves in sheep clothing and vice versa as today.

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As nature often is ..brutal, simpler,.. It’s not always pretty but ..it stands the test of time

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Like African tribes so too their sibling Native Indian (Hopi) tribes have had distinction and trials/squabbles, as closer to Nature, they have far less resources and far more susceptibility to the elements than we ..think we do... today.

contrast your faith/dependency in the following vs how long it's existed: iphone (11 years), facebook (14 years), google (20 years), amazon (23 years) apple (42 years), america (240 years), rome (500 years), church (2K years) humans: modern (200k years) to ancestors (6 million years), dinosaurs (145 MILLION years) earth (4.543 Billion)

ASIDE: No matter how good it looks, or how cool it seems, if it's not proven it's not proven, DO NOT TRUST IT TILL PROVEN. Appearances are not always as they seem with Icarus like terminal consequences

Indians existed longer than Rome without any of the stuff we faun over

they had much of their culture centered on finding it (e.g. spirit quest), while we don’t know who we are

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they knew they had to figure out who they were as individuals, to be ONE as a people and beyond

For ages they were governed by seven generations sustainability principals for and by ALL the people.

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Since then, we've abandoned those simple truths..., in pursuit of never ending treadmill of tech towards short sighted even suicidal goals. Most can't remember what they were doing a week ago, the future seems open..limitless, all the time in the world. It’s not.

oddly considered "primitive" though they live just as long & happy overall

while our “progress” we’ve wrecked the entire world in just a few generations.

   We like Icarus ..emboldened by our technological prowess & relative peacefulness
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Have reached to far, to high, into completely make believe & drug like fantasy

Despite so many warnings EVERYWHERE... Things are not right EVERYWHERE

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we are still foolishly pushing into the stall, into space...our wings & strength are failing

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And are now in near freefall: ecosystem is collapsing, financial systems ARE collapsing

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Like Icarus found out, Gravity is a Law of Nature, and as unliving, uncaring completely unkind to those who ignore it's existence., it can't be faked or negotiated with.

As is Truth of what is the greater and greatest GOoD ...over greater and greatest time.

But Greatest Truth unlike Gravity depends on what context and timeframe we view it.

Where like Icarus reaching for the light in one moment seems good, even great as the light and heat increases, becomes the darkness of despair the next, even darker of an irrecoverable fall, and hopefully..if not fatal (darkest dark)....enlightment (lightest light) to not do that again in the next step.

Things take on a checkboard pattern "reality check"(erboard) consisting of several sanity/reality/together checks.

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So to are complex nature of the Antichrist, as both material savior and tormentor, WW3 and following tribulations, fallout, calamities, aliens, giants etc. all that help as spiritual redemption to get people to wake up to their true spiritual nature as love embodied/incarnated to work together as that's the only way the'll be able to exist in the touch challenges ahead. Together IS better and the ONLY way forward.

The Antichrist IS epic evil, but IS being used for a greater ..even greatest GOoD, an option vs none, as we'd have done if left to our own devices:

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He and his TeamDark (some non-human) have:

BAD: with a sleepwalking public, helped the hidden zombie apocalypse turning America into Amer-I-Can'ts, setup world war 3, racked up 21 TRILLION in unauthorized DoD spending. Slaughtered and tortured innocents in unimaginable ways.

GOOD: in that process also helped give it the deep under ground military bases (food and power) and deep space military programs (already on Mars)

that will save millions vs ALL dying here like this poor heartbreaking polar bear

who like many cannot escape it in time. The whole earth is literally tilted + shuffled

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Playing devils advocate, if people knew what form of life/death coming from

  •    magnetic pole shift (earthquakes, world tilts, no country will be left ),
  •    cme (radiation, 100# hail storms, 'fire and brimstone' from the sky for years)
  •    solar minimum (mini ice age, no food, no heat)

One could argue a swift end in the form of a global nuclear World War III would be a mercy killing vs those who have grown so dependent on this 'life support system' to be unable to operate without it.

I have seen people who don't even know how to operate a hammer or light a pilot light.

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Which makes it impossible to exist in a world without either.

So in contrast to that hell/certain death, the options the AntiChrist presents is at least a possible life, though it will be more like North Korea is, most will not enjoy.

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Nor should they this is a world of stark survival, based on fear/control and fakery, rather than love truth of a sustainable nature, and again this is a movie theater/video game not our "forever home" spiritually speaking.

But as it's not made out of Love, it will implode of it's own Icarus like nature eventually.

Obama/Antichrist even knows this

He even knows the path will eventually take his life as indicated with the slain tiger (completing set of snow leopards family up top), which for most would defeat the point of going down it in the first place....but he does it anyway. It's his Nature serving a greater GOoD.

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This back & forth ....confusing, each step the opposite: destroyer, savior, destroyer, redeemer, self destructor, all for a great/er/est GOoD that's flip flops based on vantage point

Thus the weird white/black, curved 'arc' thing around the eyes,...it's complex path to see & to follow

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which to me reads he fulfills the connect the dots on a plot arc, helping unify the undecided, weed out those unable to play the game of Life without a life support system like

  •    entirely dependent on Alexa/Amazon/Netflix
  •    wake up the materialists/Nihilists

Anywhere anyone putting something other than the greatest possible GOoD in the place for that ("thou shalt have no false greater /greatest GOoD's than me")

the bowed/arched shape of the mountains behind the family tigers meaning, his evil role here serving a higher self as arc(hitect) angel

he is perfectly *predictably* corrupted, loves being so, and love being deterministic (in his case love of self over others: HATE) so completely predictable...as well his future downfall. Not a wild gun, planned obsolescence. It's it's own weakness.

He's here on greater GOoD's behalf, as the iron fist as deliverer of the first few bowls of wrath for humanity's turning way from God & the path of greater good, to what he represents, big unified government, currency faith all fake aka NWO

In that shot above, the blond headed guy is Trump representing the highest of material arrogance affluence the USA stands for, but notice he's busy wielding it instead of reaching for God as the hand (off screen on right above the ribbon indicates).

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The world war 3 is part of GOoD's judgement for abandoning him & ourselves & each other.

Like Icarus this IS a sadly necessary fall

A bit like a parent with a bratty toddler who wants to play all the time, never wants to do what's good for them, and is now so bratty throwing a perpetual temper tantrum, despite having everything.

Has to have some form of punishment for misbehaving. It's the ONLY way to grow up.

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which free will being what it is, force never working well for love kinda like we experience with pets who won't wake up or get into trouble they can't get out of

so too ARE us

Can't really say that couldn't see this coming. It was predicted 2k years ago!

with the old & new testaments in the Bible as warning in a widely visible faith:

Billy Graham who *just* passed at age 99, reached 2.2 BILLION by himself (thanks to help from freemason friends and evil pope (complicated!))

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As he points out in this video, LOVE not works are the ONLY path, hints why Jesus had to be created & sacrificed, there was no other way for people like Barabbas/Judas to realize God ALLways loves/forgives them...as this is just a soul school designed for learning.

many YouTube online churches and past topic centric videos as well if people wanted to learn but couldn't read or attend church (which are mostly lost these days)

ASIDE: It's ironic to think that the Satanists who eat our kids are also responsible for the only real viable outs from this coming calamities, a haven beneath earth via "deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B) and one in outer space (via secret space program) ...21 Trillion dollars of DoD..your tax dollars at work.


In the coffins we see a blue kachina doll which has special significance in Hopi lore. It's the last Kachina

This lady is Native American Indian with halo mimicking Chris's mother Mary giving birth to Christ

except she's dead (thus eyes) thus the Antichrist. Obama was raised with another mother.

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To the Hopi Tribes, a kachina was spirit incarnated or anthropomorphized forces of nature (e.g rain -> crops-> food for winter -> alive for another year => rain spirit/kachina) a proto science mixed with religion/spirituality to help guide through life of frequent scarcity.

They were initially actual spirits, then costumes, then dolls as needed.

They had as many kachinas as they had needs...

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ASIDE: I theorize that our astral bodies were possible those first spirits, those astral entities might like ghosts/poltergeists 'nature spirits' have more access to the 'source code' behind this game so say "manifest" rain, or have enhanced visibility into where foes/food/gold was so perhaps this may be a way for those who end up back here with giants (sleeping hill) to help avoid fighting, like this guy sitting the left + sky spirit

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The BLUE Kachina was the last of the last kachinas,..with bell "for whom it tolls?"

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When as a final graduation all Hopi would have reached a point of moving on or permanent destruction (as humans, souls move on to whatever they need next). It is nearly identical to the Biblical End Times just at much smaller more personalized:

as the Hopi is still around, the Biblical & Hopi End times are THE SAME ONE

Meaning they come from a common root/source (god) and go to a common end (heaven)... the differences in characters/style are just adapters to local cultures relative degree of science/technological prowess and consensus on "this (tech|nature|etc) is the Path"(out of the labyrinth)

Among those Hopi "end times" stories is a “True White Brother” who operates like Jesus greatly. Jesus would as a "spirit incarnated" likely been considered a kachina to the Hopi

As would also the Anti-Christ, evil incarnated the opposite of Christ in everyway, thus maybe a “True Black Brother”

thus Barack Obama might also be considered a living kachina. As might have been Barabas in his day, as foil to Jesus (I theorize Barack => Barabas reincarnated), for that times Jerusalem sized freewill choice

As lead evil in this “end times” in the making for 2k years, He’s been given the blessing of the Illuminati ->Annunaki (who built the pyramids), and that Barack/Barabbas highest evil entity may have had incarnations then and across time too, as has there been several Jesus to act as his foil in flesh.

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Obama certainly thinks he is worthy given the statue of Anubis at his future home/throne at DIA representing this.

Anubis was the deity of Death, so instead of Jesus saving everybody, Anti-Christ as opposite will destroy anybody who's not saved or follows his way.

he will create a new species wide all time high score of death ..BILLIONS will die

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To set himself up as Anubis and Jesus, he will also destroy the faiths (Jesus, Mohammad) as he brings about a NWO one world religion (also literal Anti-Christ) with himself at top. Will gleefully love doing so.

While we've seen many horrific vicious totalitarian leaders, Obama will like be the unique in that role: his role is sanctioned by the cosmic creator and foreseen and mentioned in the bible (many other totalitarian killers simply after materialistic "world domination" for selfish purposes are not), his love is narcissistic not purely nihilistic

He's the first, the last and the only bridge between HIDDEN HISTORY, PAST, PRESENT, HIDDEN FUTURE

  •  a solid understanding of the present world as president for 8 years,
  •  steeped in Egyptian, Hopi, African, type lore
  •  a member and non-member of all world relgions (muslim and jewish mensche)..hating them all equally, bold face lying to all.
  •  connections to future space/aliens, from our alien alliances (started with Eisenhower and Nazi's in WW2) via long lifed Annunaki as deepest inaccessible hidden hands
  •  giants living underground

Given all that, so for those naive enough to believe the pope is a man of GOoD, and those still alive, after all the coming calamities.

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civilization gone, with few options left, he fits the bill as almost unbelievable "savior", from this retrospectively amazing foresight to build this stuff (plans predate America creation..all founding forefathers were free masons)

Indeed savior, just redemption through destruction via synthetic longevity life, which I (with CTO/Futurist hat) one expect he will present as some sort of extreme life extension tech, omitting the consequence if you are basically indestructible, you can live through much worse tortures, he gleefully will bring.

2) SECOND THIRD: The Present (confusion & chaos everywhere)

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Confusion abounds, fake news, fake leaders, fake money, divided countries, divided internally people, unstoppable collapse of the ecosystem, financial system, etc

No safe haven to turn to, no one to help out

Only way out IS UP (to our cosmic creator) as spiritual escape via rapture, thus the boy's looking up to the heavens -the only one not looking for a material solution

3) THIRD PART: FUTURE - calamities & war, tribulations galore

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This from the wiki on the blue kachina https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Star_Kachina

"is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the form of a blue star. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as a catastrophe or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the purification of planet Earth"

Let's look at that closer:

   “World..destroyed because of the corruption of humanity.”

Notice "World" this is not a selective judgement on America, Israel etc.

   “The war of the end of the world is described by Waters as "a spiritual conflict with material matters [5]".

Amen. ALLways when divisions happen, ends up like that, all problems trace back to a lack of love and it’s parallel in the material plane: e.g. follow the money, follow the fake/fiat/debt/bubbles, in who benefits them & why.

Adding arrows/vectors (of the holy/whole making spirit) and where it goes/flows:

think like a weather front the general direction of the stroke and shapes, and sight lines and arrows/flow

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The higher yellow arrow (connects to boy looking up red sightline)... is a long prophesied severe space weather storm known by Hopi, which the boy/red (second use of him) arrow is now looking up with fear, worry, near cover in the forest but blocked by the Bull now looking like he's food

flying bird is also boxed in..no escape into forest as they are gone...enventually like the penguin/polar bear are already dead

If all forests jungles are destroyed, life only visible in museums, thus "world destroyed" sadly in our case ..we ...and our technology we throw away or misuse mindless, are also the destroyers. This turtle wasn't supposed to be caught, but it is.

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and has no skills to get itself out, it's only used to seaweed, so drowns

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As the greatest GOoD for ALL life, this is unacceptable murder and mass slaughter.

So Role reversal, fat hunters will become the hunted & the hungry.

Humans development from their locus/Icarus like nature when mindless/spiritual disconnected have had relative protection from outside forces (there is always bigger fish), so 4K years of relatively upward progress from tribal to space compatible.

Where we are already a globally connected one world, able to share anything anywhere instantly.

There is now, no legitimate reason for ANY violation of the golden rule

specifically like Icarus in pursuit of fake upon fake, like pump & dump IPO's for stock, made out of fiat fake money, while gutting actually good companies, putting good people on the streets.

This karmic debt has been building up for 2K years for sure, now have to pay it back

The blue arrows I added:

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the water/sand/red arc could be seen as the eastern seaboard, now filled with blood

A Russian nuclear tsunami fired as a part of WW3/NWO, which is a complete surprise to the girl/city/etc as it will come without warning & kill tens of millions.

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Framed this way the bloody whale head looks like a tip of a spear ( a symbol used several times like Trump breaking through the wall of the Deep State) and Putin is wearing a spear tip like hat in the other mural.

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The blue of the sea behind the surprised girl, has cruel teeth like edges (seen in the same color behind trump/hammer in the other art), indicating threat, and inverted can be a wall of water.

the shape of flames/smoke on right form at the bottom part a nuclear bomb

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Which will have radioactive fallout that explains the green icky fog, at the base of the city, and act like the angel with flaming sword, ejecting Adam & Eve from the garden of Eden/good into dark times where brother kills brother (Cain & Able)

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A world war with our advances with military tech & celestial events will reduce the world to piles of rubble & ashes. Defeats the point of war if everybody dies.

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however from the ashes a phoenix like rebirth out of the death + destruction

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both of the evil that Trump & White hats taking down the "deep state" but losing the next step in world war (nobody wins world wars like this) and thus the rise of the antichrist + NWO in North korea green, and our eventual redemption from path of pain

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Which the Hopi stories say this cycle of rise, salvation, tribulation, death and rebirth they had seen several times before, many "worlds"

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each time the same plot arc: rise, decay, loyal being saved, some ascended, other good led beneath ground, while surface wiped clean.. game board reset for the next level

thus the tunnels and protected cities inside the caves, hills and mountains for protection

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as we have done so many times before

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all across the world like Petra

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which also has others already living there, thus the sleeping giant in the hills

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and the one standing at the right with people to scale on the far right in non-technical times like back to the old west.

who in the calamity shot presses in seriously on the others ..menacing, again boxed in

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notice the shadows on the boys (Obama/AntiChrist) face, takes on horn & spiked tail, or alien/annunaki like head if being liberal.


Other Hopi's stories others talk about portals to the spirit lands and White brother

a 5th world they ascend to with his aid, when it's time via a portal.

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I think also indicated in this other DIA mural, where we see many opposite/life rebirth

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ASIDE: the black bottom is pursuing the material (dark/dead end) path the head a higher path of truth/knowledge/in the light/love/life face= :), with the path back to the higher level is through center "eye" the world is seeing/creating (sky, moon, earth etc) into the greater unity beyond. Perhaps there's a path of sibling progression inside the world between insect/plant/animal/conscious animal looking for that ecosystem optimized love equilibrium that works for all for all time aka "heaven on earth" or works for only one for all time (aka Anti-Christ ruling hell on earth)

Per Hopi lore, that “judgement day” event was also seemingly short in duration (e.g. Bible: in a flash, 3 days of darkness, similar to Jesus's time in cave post cruxifiction),

Around that happens Hopi say talking about the 'ninth and final sign of destruction'

   "You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens,

A bit like a trumpeting sound a light in the sky seen everywhere

and "in a flash/instant" some are taken, some are left, with no explanation.

   above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash... “
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unknown how, likely a celestial event, of a CME and/or asteroid storm,

which are common, just very rarely happen of this severity

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about every 13k years (all the green dots) per Randall Carlson

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and other local "sacred geometries" symmetries around moon

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and this one possibly a special CME full corona discharge

   ”It will appear as a blue star. “

vs our current yellowish one, stars all have a lifecycle too...which we know very little about

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Which I theorize is a graduation "levelling up" of our sun, just as we as a species have graduated into a space fairing race (once fully disclosed),

though i find Dewey Larsons reciprocal geometery closest to my understanding at a physics level think of how a flame gets hotter as it get bluer, so that graph actually goes from right to left in solar ascension.

   "According to Hopi prophecy (as reported by Waters), shortly after the Blue Star Kachina is visible to all"

I believe this maps in the bible to pre-tribulation "escape" for those children and child like faith, basically those who are steeped in long suffering and overcoming despite being and doing good as often as possible,

ASIDE: FREEWILL GAME: as well as those dipsticks of sampling suffering and good, to be used as 'arrows' in the spiritual wakeup wars to come.often these have deep intuition on the types of evil in the world and knowing love, and having experienced their lack of it, can act as a fair approximationation for in a shadowy/mirage of a world, of how much love is missing ("god couldn't be here so he sent you/us), e.g. a crime of theft punishment can only be measured against the time it happens in. e.g. in a time of abundance where 1% have everything and 99% have nothing it's a violation of the golden rule for the 99% not to have enough food/water/shelter basics. If in a time of scarcity, and that's the last pain killer that is used for frivolous escapism instead of surgery, punishment could be harsh.

   "and the Day of Purification is realized,"

this is scaled up to the globe vs just the americas hopis were in southwest/blue.

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NOTE: how many other indians tribes existed, western/white man conquered already occupied territory, but those didn't own things or..even have time.

  the True White Brother will come to earth in search of Hopi "who steadfastly adhere to their ancient teachings."[6]

This maps to the biblical second and primary Rapture, when the lukewarm/backslidden have had a chance to wake-up.

   It is said that if the True White Brother fails in his mission and is unable to find uncorrupted men and women, that the earth will be completely destroyed and none will be spared.[6] However, if successful in bringing the symbols and finding those who still follow the true Hopi way of life, the world will be created anew and all the faithful will be saved from destruction."

The biblical Tribulations (of which i theorize several tracts based on what people put in front of the greatest possible GOoD:

  1.    Big Government/Church,
  2.    Technology/UFO/Science,
  3.    NoTech/Self "preppers"
  4.    Astral/New Age

then all the usual type stuff

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as bowls of Wrath/purification "deep reset of the earth" ......like so many times before

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ASIDE: in this shot (not Illuminati, just random google image search), read through an Illuminati lens could be either the ascension of the dinos prior to their judgement by the comet the could not see coming. Maybe we were all dinosaurs in a past life.


As most of us by now have decided what path we thinks is the greatest good but have differences of opinion, this graduation is a cross roads, based on what we answered in our spiritual finals.

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 “Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease."...thus “This idea of the Blue Star Kachina marking the end of ALL Hopi rituals”

Meaning NO more Hopi, EVER too.

So too do I predict the other faiths as indicated by the coffins (above) the end of Christians, Jewish, Islam, Satanists, the role of the Anti -Christ and any other religion interferring and interpretting what is a direct personal relationship with the cosmic creator.

ALL faiths tied to this world are ONLY training wheels in our spiritual evolution, needed to get us here but are no longer needed or helpful as training wheels on our spiritual growth.

Just as he tears down Jesus, and Anti-Christ will replace him as sole point between God and Man. I hope to show in my writings, like all humans, and I believe Jesus was teaching us, we all have a direct line, so I'm an Anti- (Anti-Christ/JesusChrist vs Satan) as should anybody else sane enough to believe you have all you need already inside you as would we all if we chose the social species path of light/truth/love/together IS better that got us so far.

Jesus came down to inspire us, and remind us of that. We got so carried away playing here we forgot.

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Just as the shared stories between very dissimilar Hopi and Christian faiths have shown, comparable paths and timelines that align.

There are deeper truths than the earthly stories we tell, visible for all to see without a worldly authority, some that are as plain as the air we breathe, behind each heartbeat.

After watching many NDE’s and having one like my own, there is a Christ Consciousness which is like our uplink/translator between us and the unfathomable greatest GOoD/Sourcend.

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That represents a idealized higher super self that is indeed as close to selfless all powerful love/truth for all that is accessible and relateable as Jesus was to Christians and White Brother to Hopis..it loves ALL that serve the greater/greatest GOoD be it #TeamDark or #TeamLight.

but that Christ Consciousness IS a reasonably attainable consciousness as is our self awareness of self, past, present and future as similar but different self.

It is NOT a material incarnation as Obama is, no matter how much he's augmented by magic/tech etc

Christ Conscious his coming back in the form of Rapture/Great Harvest, is only to open the door to those who love enough to be able to enter a world only made of love. Meaning they have to be made of love to see it, and pass through it.

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consistent in behavior having chosen a dark or light path through life.

But as many don't know that higher form love we are here, playing with lesser, slower, safer, more limited forms of it...aka training wheels. They suck by design.

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So Jesus/Christianity Kachina/Hopi act training wheels for humans as social species and well equipped with mirror neurons to learn by mimicking/imitation.

A solid reference to pattern off of to better understand their spiritual not material nature, and get on with learning the lessons on love they came here for

To like any caring teacher/parent...give us a push start, to where the physical laws of Nature/Gravity/Love take over, but only taking off the training wheels, when we can better handle the complexities of that increasingly complicated adult reality

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We are now at a point, these structures are actually causing more of a problem than they were meant to solve, just for profit corporations and spiritual staged soap operas. They stand for the exact OPPOSITE/INVERSION of what they are.

(Good speced out a Ark for a one time Flood, NEVER speced out a Bible as is (see Gnostics) & church..Jesus didn't write the Bible he stars in likely thought "Be love, treat your brother as yourself for he is yourself” (by extension in material society, increasingly directly in spiritual societies)..was obvious

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As they aren’t working anymore, causing more harm than good..getting in the way

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they are being removed,..torn down...one bolt at at time.

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A recognition by ALL, we (as a species) have grown up (enough) and now on our own ...for better or worse.

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and can go where ever we want, after a few more accidents/learning :/ (aka WW3)

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who knows where we might go..eventually

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Basically like a loving but tired parent, kinda like giving a college grad a car and keys:

   “you’re grown up! (so proud of you!) ...and now finally on your own..(whew!)”
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the parenting of our growing up done....


Consider the rather bipolar Lucifer incarnated most visible as Illuminati and Annunaki as overlords/architects over last 300K years or so, of all our growth from apes,

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to pyramids all over the planet, gave us our moon for a celestial clock, to let us know of this exact time of calamities, the master game clock

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in a epic 4K years of games of good vs evil that has taken us through 2 worlds wars, dark ages, from a close to dirt, to through so many adventures.

we've gone from sticks and stones, to telephones and factories, and wireless mobile

to now to an almost... space faring race

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which took the Annuaki/etc genetic tinkering,

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social engineering education , several near complete resets and rebuilds ( they like us don't know exactly what they are doing either!)

for us to literally see the light.. we are made of

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and our potential in the stars, and places nearby

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and how much a bigger space we exist in. (this shot 7.8 billion miles away) not so nearby.

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giving "Are we there yet?!" on family holidays entirely new meaning.

To find we aren't alone ...and never were. Just had to grow up first.

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Technically as ALL children of the cosmic creator, and always in his hands and his plans for us ALL

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The outline of dates has been extended with media https://twitter.com/troy_gardner/status/1126974761760841729

Gianluigi Cuccureddu

Senior Marketing Professional Specialized in Ecommerce & Data-Driven Decision Making

7 年

What to think of the murial with the dead dove. then this one... Economist, being a Rothshild outlet.. knows stuff.. colored versus black/white... the way they are positioned...

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