Is it illegal to keep customers credit card information on the website?
Is it illegal to keep customers credit card information on the website?
I work for a small corporation, we keep first 12 digit card numbers and the billing information in customer's account. I want to find out if it's illegal since there's a lot of fraud and hacking is going on around the web.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO
"I'm recently married, my husband is probably going to file bankruptcy, will this affect my credit?
My husband has had debts pop up from his ex and is probably going to file bankruptcy. If I go to apply for a loan will this affect my credit?
Where is somewhere I can go online to get my credit score for free?
I went to but they want a bank account number and then I have to cancel it. It just seems to me if its a free credit report I shouldn't have to use my bank information. Thanks for your help.
I need a business account but have bad credit - anyone got any ideas or recommendations ???
I need a business account but have bad credit - anyone got any ideas or recommendations ???
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can you keep your car if you file for bankruptcy?
If your car is valued at twice the cost of your debts and the car is paid off then what will happen if you declare bankruptcy? The car was not used as collateral but it is an asset and it's the only car used to get to work. Would it be better to just sell the car now before declaring bankruptcy? This is based on California if that matters. Thank You, Dan"
Auto Loan - 72 months for 2005 vehicle?
Hi In January or February of 2011 (6 to 8 weeks), I will be purchasing a 2004, 2005, or 2006 H2 Hummer. My credit took a nose dive about 5 years ago, as I went through a financial hardship for a few years. I have, however been rebuilding my credit and it gets better all the time. My plan is to try to get a 72 year loan but not actually carry through with it. For example: I want to purchase the car with 72 month loan to keep my payments where I need them to be. But, after two years, when I will qualify for a much better rate, I will refinance for 36 months. Thus, in reality it will be a 5 year payment even though it starts out at 7. The question is, as we turn into a new year, 2011, will I be able to get 72 months on a 2005 vehicle? what about 2004 or 2006? Certainly if I had better credit, I would not take the 72 loan . . but I do have a goal of really cutting it back to 60 months or less 1) purchase car with $5,000 down - 72 months 2) after 2 years, refinance with another $2,000 down for 36 months 3) After year 3 (first year after refinance) trade the car in - as I should not be upside down in the loan."
Cannot qualify for cash advances need cash fast?
I have tried applying for payday and bad credit loans for 5 days straight, but I have horrible credit (check systems, tax liens, reposessions, late payments etc.). I have two bank accounts (online type) because I cannot qualify for a standard account. I need to find a place, even with a very hight interest rate (up to 50%) where I can borrow about $1500 ... I have a very secure job with state civil service...please help."
How do i get into flipping house's with bad credit?
I am in between jobs and have been hearing a lot about fliping house's and have not been able to get a loan because of my credit i would like to know how to get a govornment grant or some way to purchase a small forclosed house. i would also like to know where to get listings of forclosedhomes in memphis TN
Are there any sites for free credit reports without it requiring a credit card?
Are there any sites for free credit reports without it requiring a credit card?
How can I get credit if I have no credit?
I'm mainly concerned because jobs I apply for and other things delay processing me because they double check to make sure there isn't a problem because I have no credit. I have applied for several credit cards but always turned down for lack of credit.
How to help my credit card debt!?
I have over $30,000 in credit card debt and am in a world of hurt! My current job has weird hours. The hours are all over the place and it makes it impossible to get a second job. No one can/will work with the hours. I have been searching for a new job for several months now and still no luck. Just recently, applied for a job and the boss loved me. Did a credit check and of course i did not get the job because my credit score is terrible! I need help! how do i work on improving my credit score when my job does not pay enough and i am unable to get a second job and no one will hire me because of my lousy credit score"
What is the word for something out of it's time era?
There is a add for where the guy is playing an electric guitar with a Renaissance back drop. My dad has everyone trying to think of the word that describes something, in this case the guitar, that is out of it's time. We know there is a word that is used just for this, but no one can come up with it. I've tried searching the web but keep coming up with nothing. If anyone can help me figure it out that would be great cause it's driving us all nuts every time we see the add! Thanks!"
"When would be a good time, in this economic climate, to try to refinance an auto loan?"
I bought a car almost a year ago, my mother cosigned for me, and I am wondering if it is even worth it for me to try to refinance so it's only under my name. With the economy the way it is and all I have been hearing about banks tightening their guidelines, I don't want to risk hard pulls on my report for no reason. I've been making payments for 11mos now and have always been on time and above the minimum. The rate as of now is 8.9% and my credit report is in better shape than it was when I first took out the loan. Hopefully someone who works as a loan officer/processor can help me out! Thanks!"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Do process servers normally call you ahead of time before serving you?
I've been dealing with some scam artists over the last year trying to get me to pay on online payday loans I don't recall. The latest one has a company called national process server"" calling me stating I have one opportunity to call the ""mediation"" group(debt collectors) or orders will be sent out and they will show up at my work or home around Jan 2! I'm do tired of these calls!!! So my question is"
Car loan online - trustworthy web site?
Can you recommend any genuine and trustworthy web site for car loan?
Walmart:cashing post dated checks?
ok her boss tells every one if you pick up your check a day early dont cash it till after 3pm the day before its dated, cause after 3 pm every thing bank related is next days bussines, and every one else cashes checks teh day before with no problems i dont know why wal-mart has to be a dick about it, i mean there already takingt the bussines away from teh mom and pop stores all around."
How can i get my credit score if i do not have a credit card?
i want to know my credit score but do not currently have a credit card, and all the sites require one."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can I take a loan against my Macy's American Express card?
I need to help my family out. Please advise. Thanks.
What are the four functions of a bank?
What are the four functions of a bank?
"Bad credit auto loan, How hard is it to get approved for an auto loan with bad credit?"
Bad credit auto loan, How hard is it to get approved for an auto loan with bad credit?"
"Should I allow foreclosure, file bankruptcy, and/or walk away?"
I bought a home for 130,000 3 yrs ago which was well in my means at the time. I put 10,000 down. I love this area and wanted to live here for ever. I was told my payments would be 900/month but by the time I closed and after all said and done my payments were 1500/month. It was too late for me to turn back. Even after I found this out I did all I could to make the payments with hopes of refinancing years down the road. I was doing ok until I lost my job a year ago.I am currently participating in a loan mod program after falling behind on my mortgage. Now my house is in dire need of repairs( Serious foundation work, no heating system, and roof needs replacement before it collapses.) None of these were apparent to me at time of purchase, and I had 3 inspections, none of which found any of these problems. Now I cant possibly do these repairs and afford the mortgage at the same time. I am told my house is only worth 30-40,000 now and I still owe over 100,000. I dont know what to do. I call my mortgage company regularly and they are aware of my situation but outside of my current loan mod (which brought my payments down to 1,250/month) they will do nothing for me. I have poor credit and cannot refi. Should I let them foreclose, or just walk away? Please help."
Is it illegal to keep customers credit card information on the website?
I work for a small corporation, we keep first 12 digit card numbers and the billing information in customer's account. I want to find out if it's illegal since there's a lot of fraud and hacking is going on around the web.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO
Can i buy a house after bankruptcy?
I have a good job that makes good money but my bankruptcy just discharged and now i have no debt. does anyone know if it will be pretty easy these days to get approved for a home? u would think these days they wanna have ppl buy instead of foreclosure's.thanks
Can you join the Air Force with bad credit and debt?
Can you join the Air Force with bad credit and debt?
Will I lose my house if my husband declares bankruptcy?
My husband and I are getting divorced and I am getting the house because I am the only one who can afford it. We are not using lawyers. He is trying to force me to refinance right away because he wants to declare bankruptcy. If he does this while his name is still on the mortgage, will I still lose the house even though I am making the payments just fine on my own and he willbe signing the quit claim deed? Also, is there a way for the divorce court to prevent him from declaring bankruptcy for a period of te to allow me a reasonable amount of time to refinance?"
How to refinance a capital one auto loan?
A friend has a Capital One Auto Loan and has tried to get them to refinance it for him. Every time he has asked they have told him that they only refinance one way - but they will not give him the way or even discuss any options for refinancing.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Where can a person get a $5000 personal loan that is not a scam with a 535 credit score?
Ok loan requests where you have to send an e-mail to someone is a SCAM!!!!! So scam artists, stop making up contacts and replying to this question as if these fake"" people got a loan. If you have to pay for a loan in order to receive it"
What does tax lien released mean?
I pulled up my credit report and under public records there is an inquiry from my county saying tax lien released. What is that?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
"With No Gap. what's the best way of getting out of a $20,000 (over Priced) Auto loan ?"
What's the best way of getting out of a $20,000 (Over Priced) Auto loan with no GAP Protection without messing up my Credit Score. And by the way, what happen next. if i decide to stop paying it off, the repo man took it my credit get fu*cked up?"
How old am I in shark years?
I'm 14
"What is a good interest rate for an auto loan, and what corporations offer auto loans?"
What is a good interest rate for an auto loan, and what corporations offer auto loans?"
How long can I stay in my home after filing for bankruptcy?
How long can I stay in my home after filing for bankruptcy?
Is it possible to get a auto loan on truck with over 100k miles?
KBB value of used truck is $14,105 It is a 2006 Chevrolet 1500 Z71"
Can I get a new auto loan with a 641/632/580 fico score and VERY recent chapter 7 Discharge?
Honda accord, on the job for 1+ years government"
Auto Loans - Can they check your bank account balances?
When applying for an auto Loan, and the credit application says bank references"" and you must list your account numbers and balances -can they verify these things with your bank? Or can they only verify the age and validity of the account? PLEASE HELP!!!! I live in California and am considering Hona Financial or Mercedes Benz Financial. Thank you!!"""
Massachusetts bankruptcy question?
Several years ago I did enroll with the Homestead Act protection. No collateral for my home loan or car loan was ever put up.
Where can i get an installment loan?
my credit isnt good enough to go to the bank and get a loan. i need to get a 1500 dollar loan that i can pay back over the next 2 or 3 months i know the lenders are out there but i cant find them all i can find are the sites that MATCH you with lenders, and they all find credit cards and payday loans....... any ideas here people. i know im not the only one who has had financial probs. and needed help thanks for the help ( if you do help )" is it a scam?
I just saw an add for It is a free magazine subscription website and i am just wondering if anyone has used it or if its a scam.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Should I file bankrupcty - deed in lieu of foreclosure condo?
Hello, I have an investment property that I have had on the market for a year as a short sale. It was originally my residence, but then I moved out, got married, had 4 kids and have a primary home now. Lost tenants and my job and had to accept lower pay and with the 4 kids, can't afford the second mortgage. I have had great offers, but the bank has rejected all of them. (6 total). Their appraisal has come back three times 30k over what they are selling for. Anyways, they rejected all the offers and closed my file. I had no other option but to file for a deed in lieu of foreclosure with the bank. I won't know if that is approved for 30 days. But what does this mean? Will I be looking at a huge deficiency or judgement? I can't afford either. Should I file bankruptcy now?"
I am looking for a payday loan that doesn't require a checking account. any ideas?
I am looking for a payday loan that doesn't require a checking account. any ideas?
Is there any good way of getting out of an upside-down auto loan?
Is there any good way of getting out of an upside-down auto loan?
Foreclosure on credit report after bankruptcy?
I filed bankruptcy two years ago, after my lender initiated foreclosure. According to the bankruptcy lawyer, having the mortgage included in the bankruptcy would avoid having a forclosure on my credit report. Recently I found that the lender is still reporting the loan as a foreclosure. I disputed the item, and got back a reply stating, This creditor has verified to Equifax that the current status is being reported correctly"". Am I correct in thinking that the item should be changed? If so"
Can you use someone's credit card to buy things online ?
My friend got a credit card some how or found it and he is planing to buy something online with it. I think he knows the people that the card belongs to because he made an account with there info and when it ships he's gonna send it to a house next to his. I'm not sure what he's getting it's either a phone or a electronic item. Does the phones have tracking on it ? I try to take my friend out of it but he thinks it's good and is going with it. I just don't want to get in trouble. What will happen ? Would it work ?
Questions about taking out an auto loan?
A friend of mine is selling her 02 jeep liberty for cheap because her parents are buying her a new car. She's asking $2500 for it. I already have $1000 saved up, so i'll only be taking the auto loan out for $1500. What's the lowest payment I can make? I can afford them even if they're high but I know they won't be any more than about $150. I'd rather pay about $80 per month and then make early payments or additional payments when I have the money. Is that possible? I'm a working college student so I'd rather take a little extra time to pay the car off than work my butt off for 10 months. Thanks"
Is it illegal to keep customers credit card information on the website?
I work for a small corporation, we keep first 12 digit card numbers and the billing information in customer's account. I want to find out if it's illegal since there's a lot of fraud and hacking is going on around the web.
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO