Illegal Immigration, Failed Promises, and Now Reparations!
Roland Dunham II
I am a young Negro Man who likes to give back and support Negro American People and beyond!
Is it true that the biggest threat facing our nation is ‘illegal immigration’ or is it a symptom of the Knights of the Golden Circle? Roy Beck Author of the Back of the Hiring Line describes how immigration hurt the Nergo American Community when he states that:
“[t]o walk through U.S. immigration history is to repeatedly observe large portions of descendants of American slavery trying to climb the mainstream economic ladder, only to be pushed down during each immigration surge,” (Roy Howard Beck, 2021).
The organizational consequences of having ‘illegal immigrations’ perceived to be a threat when it is control opposition to the Negro American interests. Much like the January 6th Insurrectionist, the K.G.C. author and member stated, "the skull and crossbones signify death to all “Abolitionists” and opposers of “Southern independence,” (Member of the Orders & The Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, 1861).
The ‘serious and urgent threat,’ of White Supremacist: Insurrectionist, and co-conspiracists created a ‘sizeable impact’ when they stormed the US Capital on January 6, 2022, (Barends & Rousseau, 2018). Based on the DOJ government states that more than 725 defendants have been arrested in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, (United States Department of Justice, 2021). The urgency root problem is White Supremacy being unchecked economically which resulted in slavery. Dr. John Henrik Clarke echoes that, “The Columbus anniversary is a celebration of mass murder, slavery, and conquest. More: it exalts the continuing oppression of billions of people today," (John Henrik Clarke, 2014).
What is the preferred Solution?
The most logical solution, evident, that should be applied would be honoring “Gen. William T. Sherman Field Order #15 also known as 40 acres (about twice the area of Chicago's Millennium Park) and a mule, was stillborn,” should be applied and assessed Reparations to the Negro American. (Reconstruction/Definition, Summary, Timeline, & Facts, n.d.)
Barends, E., & Rousseau, D. M. (2018).
Evidence-based management: how to use evidence to make better organizational decisions. Kogan Page Ltd. John Henrik Clarke. (2014). Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan holocaust slavery and the rise of European capitalism. Bensenville, Ill.
Lushena Books. Member of the Order, & The Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries. (1861).
An authentic exposition of the “K.G.C.” “Knights of the Golden Circle;” or, A history of secession from 1834 to 1861 ... In Internet Archive. Indianapolis, C. O. Perrine. Roy Howard Beck. (2021).
Back of the hiring line: a 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and depression of Black wealth. Numbersusa. United States Department of Justice. (2021, December 30).
One Year Since Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol.