The downfall of any country anywhere In the world Is uncontrolled Illegal immigration and forever wars against other countries. The United Kingdom receives 800 0000 - 1.2 000 000 Illegal immigrants every year, according to many experts in the next 50 years the United kingdom will become a muslim majority country. In 1913 , 412 Million people lived under the control of the British empire , 25% of the world's population at the time. It covered 13.71 Million square miles making it the largest empire in history, In 2024 the United Kingdom only has its shadow of its glory days.. Riots , Anti Semitism, Terrorism and Fear mongering are daily nightmares of the British empire. Every weekend the United Kingdom resembles 3rd world countries, the Union flag is hated , people hate the Royal family, the cost of living is high and "Free Palestine Protests " have changed the very fabric and Identity of the United Kingdom, however till this day The United Kingdom remains the largest empire in human history.