I’ll never forget that night
This wasn’t the way it was supposed to turn out. I never signed up for this. I said I do and thought that meant we would – forever.
There was nothing unusual about that chilly November night. Snow hadn’t yet fallen. Leaves had turned. Stray pumpkins littered our neighbor’s porches. We went on our usual nightly walk. Everything was fine. Quiet. I went to bed early. I had to work the early shift the following morning. Our lives were good. The following morning, nothing was ordinary, and it never would be again.
I was numb for a decade. Life went on, but I’m not sure whether I flowed with the current or let the waves propel me from one day to the next just to survive. I don’t know that I’ve now healed – fifteen years later – but I do know that I’m still here. I miss him every single moment. I honor him now by choosing to experience every moment – good and bad.