I'll Give You Money by Showing You an Article that 80% of those on this Page will Never See. What a Costly Shame!!

Power Renting! The Old Way is Dead and Gone. R.I.P. Old Way!

If you are a rental property owner, ‘are you an old-fashioned landlord type, with a couple rentals ('or a dozen of them)? 'Positive cash flow, or not, 'do you have any idea how much cold hard cash you are likely (unnecessarily) leaving on the table at the end of every single month?

Take a moment, ‘if you’ll be so kind, and ‘think about a comparison between, say, a Pig Farmer and a Landlord. Both have the entrepreneurial spirit and viable products for sale, but one of them has a distinct edge on the other. 

To wit: ‘in the pig-farming parlance, ‘once Porky is prepared to meet its fate, ‘before lowering the boom, the loving pig owner makes sure there is a lot more to sell than just ham and pork chops. For example, the pig’s skin goes to football manufacturers; the pig’s hair is sold to paint brush manufacturers; the pig's ears make rugged dog chews; the tongues, lips, and snouts give breakfast sausage its familiar consistency; the pig's feet are scraped and pickled becoming semi-crunchy gristle snacks in bars where drunk people go to watch TV and shoot pool.

Even the “porcine intestinal mucosa (stomach lining)” is sold in bulk to the pharmaceutical industry, for squeezing down to make life-saving, Heparin. And believe it or not, there’s a lucrative business in China where large profits are paid for a “pig’s vaginal lining” as a high-priced delicacy (‘check that one with Henry Winkler, George Foreman, Terry Bradshaw and William Shatner…’they tried it on national TV – on NBC’s show, Better Late than Never 8/23/17).

Now, for the Landlord. There is, of course, the very dependable sale of “Use and Occupancy” (protection from the elements)…’and that’s it!

In swapping businesses with each other, the farmer would likely set out to sell hams and chops, tossing the rest in a dumpster to be hauled away, giving him ample time to go pick a banjo somewhere. 

On the other hand, the pig farmer, turned landlord would set about selling: the “whole pig” as was his bent before: 1) $1,000 for Use and Occupancy (rent); 2) $45 for participating in income tax deductions (‘for mtg interest & prop tax…’available when property is vested in a title-holding trust; 3) $35-40 p.mo. for a portion of the future equity-buildup from the loan’s principal reduction over time; 4) $50-$75 p.mo. for a 30, 40 or 50% portion of the future appreciation over time; 5) $2,550 per year for the right to extend the contract for, say, a year at a time, following the initial lease term; 6) $10-$15 p.mo., for installing a ceiling fan; 7) $20 p.mo. extra for high pile floor covering; 8) $115 p.mo. or so, for the cost of a gardening service; 9) 6% late penalties p.mo. (‘even though you’re holding a Contingency Fund of 3-4 payments). And…don’t forget the “Pet Fee (i.e., $15 p.mo for a small dog, $25 for large dog; and, maybe, $3-400 for a small cat or a Bengal Tiger.”

'Simply pause for a moment, and think about this: .'What if I, myself, dropped by your mailbox every month and left you with four or five fresh one-hundred-dollar bills, ‘for the rest of your life. I.e., ‘while agreeing to show you how to eliminate your management and maintenance costs...’and even greatly reducing your tenants' after-tax cost of renting…i.e., by legitimately giving him/her a full tax write off for your mortgage interest and property taxes.

Bill Gatten 800 409 3444 [email protected]

Interested? We've been doing it for over thirty years in all US states, without a single failure or unresolvable problem.


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