"I'll do it myself..."
Said every business owner on the planet at some point or another! ???♂?
Yet the ones who successfully grow their businesses learn how to master delegation.
Here's 4 steps to help you...
#1 Hire well
They say, "hire slow, fire fast" for a reason. You could be the best delegator in the world but if your team members aren't up to scratch it'll always be an exercise in frustration, right?
There are several aspects involved in being able to attract, hire and keep the best people and one is to get ready to hire before you think you need to because when you need to you'll be too busy and are more likely to rush into a bad hire.
#2 Find flow
There's so many things that you can teach (or have your team members learn and gain experience in) but natural ability isn't one of them.
Use a personality profiling system like Ignition (DM me for details) or a specialist in your industry/role you're hiring into to ensure that your new hires are set up for success from the start and that as roles and team members evolve that they get more in flow, not less.
#3 Identify next steps
Follow the principle of every action having an owner. Be clear on what the next steps are right up to when they come back to you with results, questions and/or to discuss what's next.
#4 Support VS micro-manage
Delegation is not abdication, yet nor is it examining every tiny little detail until you've driven your team members up the wall and onto the next company!
(Perhaps with the exception of legal and health and safety experts! But even then, only until it is clear that they get it right within reasonable parameters...)
Which is your favourite step?
What has been your secret to successful delegation with your team?