Only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years. - Japanese Proverb

Do you like reading self-help books to gain insights into the best ways of leading a happy and peaceful life? If yes, then the book ‘Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life’ written by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles, should be on your must-read list.

The Japanese word “Ikigai” means a reason to live. It describes a place of balance where your needs, ambitions, desires, and satisfaction meets. This book says that finding one’s Ikigai is actually very simple. It helps you figure out your own Ikigai and change your life. So, here is everything you need to know about the Ikigai book.

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Ikigai?is at the heart of Okinawan culture and is one key to its health and prosperity. Okinawa is an island to the south of mainland Japan, containing some of the world’s longest-living humans. On average, men live up to 84 years and women until 90. Héctor García and Francesc Miralles lived among Okinawans and gained a first-hand account of why these people are healthier, happier, and live longer than anywhere else in the world.

Why is Okinawa referred to as the island of (almost) eternal youth? Why is it home to so many centenarians?

Researchers have identified that their diet, simple outdoor lifestyles, and subtropical climate are three reasons for their longevity. However, it is Ikigai that shapes their lives. According to the Japanese, everyone has an Ikigai. Some people found their Ikigai, while others are still looking. Our Ikigai is hidden deep inside each of us, finding it requires a patient search.

In Okinawa, people view Ikigai as the ‘why’ behind their daily life. It is important for them to find their Ikigai, and they understand that doing so will bring them happiness and fulfillment.

As we all know, happiness relies on much more than just having a career and getting a paycheck. Likewise, only doing things we love or doing things we are good at is not enough to sustain us financially.?In contrast, other cultures follow a path that society has created for them. We live by someone else’s standards and set aside our own desires. Because of this, we rarely find our purpose and passions in life.

Hence, one’s Ikigai lies at the center of four interconnecting circles. Each of these elements helps contribute to our happiness; all four are crucial to our “reason for being,” To help you live more mindfully and find your Ikigai, ask yourself these four questions:

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The major reasons you should read this book

1- It will help you find your purpose:

One of the first things the Ikigai book asks you to do is find your most immediate purpose for this time. Whether it is buying a house, finding a new job, or even something as small as learning to cook, It is essential to acknowledge all your dreams, no matter how insignificant they may seem. When it comes to your physical and mental health, even the smallest of your goals are just as essential as the long-term ones. Once you take a breath to consider your little everyday goals, you will see how your small actions can contribute to the ultimate goal of living a longer and happier life

2- It encourages introspection:

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often forget to experience the moment we are living in properly. The Ikigai book encourages readers to reflect on their enjoyable activities, and the moments when they were happy, Whether you are worried about the future or anxious about something that happened in the past, never forget to live in the present. Taking the time to figure out where you are in life and how you’ve gotten there can benefit your mental health.

3- it tells you a secret of happiness:

all you need is a simple life. To lead a happy, peaceful, healthy, and long life, you just require a calm state of mind and a sense of togetherness. If you learn how to seek joy in even the most ordinary daily activities, then you’ll be full of energy and zest even at an old age.

4- It helps you regain your positivity:

It motivates you to feel at peace with yourself and your life. It enables you to focus on your peace of mind and will to live. Positivity comes from within once you have your purpose in your sights, a healthy lifestyle, and the correct perspective.

Author's interview in the Okinawa

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Héctor Garcia (second from right) and Francesco Miralles (far left), authors of Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, say that they realized how important and powerful Ikigai was while interacting with the senior citizens of Olmi Village, Okinawa Prefecture.

“When you feel down, just thinking about your?Ikigai?will change something in you. I receive comments even now from readers who say their lives were transformed by this word,” says Garcia. For this book, Garcia interviewed more than 100 elderly residents of Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, renowned for being a “village of longevity.” One thing that these healthy and active seniors have in common is that each has an?Ikigai,?or something worth living for. “When we asked what their?Ikigai?was, they gave us explicit answers, such as their friends, gardening, and art. Everyone knows what the source of their zest for life is, and is busily engaged in it every day,” says Garcia. Another distinguishing feature of this community is that the elders have strong social links with their peers and frequently get together to enjoy karaoke, birthday parties, and more. “Avoiding social isolation is linked to the motivation and confidence to lead active lives.”

Review of this book:

My experience before reading this book is to gain knowledge but after reading this it totally changed my view of my life and giving the curiosity to find my Ikigai which everyone has but we need the patience to understand, this book not only talks about living a long and happy life but encourage the Japanese culture and how to apply into our life, it really motivates and changed me and inspiring and comforting, this book will give you the life-changing tool to uncover your personal Ikigai if you really want to grow your self and build a strong passion and purpose to achieve your goals then this book is for you.

here is the link - https://www.amazon.in/Ikigai-H%C3%A9ctor-Garc%C3%ADa/dp/178633089X

Thank you


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    "This world is but a canvas to our imagination."- Henry David Thoreau.

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