IIoT: Roadblocks and Opportunities
The industrial IoT (Internet of Things) has many opportunities. But it also faces many roadblocks. The first roadblock that needs to be addressed is security. In a previous blog, I addressed a new security framework published by the IIC (Industrial Internet Consortium) that offers best practices to help players protect the industrial Internet.
This framework is one example of how the industry is coming together to not only recognize the problem of security, but also address it. In talking with many industry leaders and players, it seems like too many industrial systems lack adequate security measures.
Most people take this reality seriously, even if they don’t quite know how to solve the problem. What’s really important during this critical growth stage of the IIoT is that companies realize that skimping on security is the riskiest move to make for the long haul.
To read more visit https://connectedworld.com/iiot-roadblocks-and-opportunities/