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This have been a topic for so many years now but…

I do read a lot of posts where people still mix up the Process/machine control system, with the IIOT systems. People are still asking questions like: Why Do I need IIOT? Have we not been doing this for decades? I think most of this comes from how many, but not all, sales persons put it… Like feeding data to a cloud… The old client server thinking. An undefined and diffuse image of the IIOT topic.

Many of the people writing this posts, are saying: We need real reliable controls not computers and could systems! We already have all this built in into our systems.

Sorry, but most of YOU DON'T…

  • Yes, we are good in controlling our machines, lines and processes.
  • Yes, we are relatively good in monitoring our local machine or process.
  • Yes, we already have connection to overlaying systems.

So please before we continue, make sure to have this clear: Your control system is controlling your machine, line or process. The IIOT system is an overlaying system that can help you to tweak your controls.

In my world, the IIOT system has no direct connection to the control of your machine, line or process. IIOT is adding a new layer to your controls. This by collecting and most important in an AI way ANALYSING data from MANY sources. This analysis is not, to be done in the controller itself. This is our IIOT help system. A system, making it possible for us to tweak our controls to perform better over time. IIOT system can be implemented in the same hardware unit if the unit is an embedded type, supporting high level programming. But still it has no direct control of your equipment.

A big focus must also be: Warning before failure. To Analyze more data related to the machine, line or process. This to get the inputs needed to be able to really do efficient preventive maintenance. So, the most important thing in the IIOT system is the AI algorithms formed to give you the right answers. And Yes, If implemented right this can really help your controls to perform better over time.

Finally, in all this IIOT discussion, do not forget your local networks, make sure to have the correct tools to analyze your networks performance, security and health. Never forget: Without the local network the IIOT is like an octopus without arms.

Feel free to contact me at any time, me and my partners can help you to succeed.

Mattias Lindh, Lindh Automation.

#lindhautomation #iiot, #profinet, #profibus, #industrialethernet #indusol #maintenance


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