III New Year Resolutions - How Many Keep Them?
While some individuals find it hard to keep up with resolutions because they're relying too much on their willpower, others find it hard to stick to them because they're creating humungous goals that tax their minds.
Setting Unrealistic Goals
One of the primary reasons people fail to stick to their resolutions is that they set goals that are too ambitious or unattainable. For example, deciding to lose 50 kg in three months or aiming to live on one meal a day might not be feasible given individual circumstances.
Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and burnout, making it easier to abandon the effort altogether.
We've often come across the acronym - SMART GOALS, however, this isn't everything. A few other things to consider are:
Learning to acknowledge your small wins helps you stay motivated and keep moving forward.
Be a little flexible and adjust your goals according to your current situation. Things don't always go according to plan.
Most importantly, enjoy the process, rather than only looking out for the outcome.