The IIAR: Back to basics
Simon Jones
Embracing innovation and disruption in stakeholder engagement | Senior AR Leader & Mentor | Managing Partner at Destrier
It’s an honor and a privilege to be elected to the board of the Institute for Industry Analyst Relations (IIAR) - and there’s work to do.
You have confirmed that it’s time for the IIAR to go back to basics and focus on its charter. In particular, as new VP for Membership and Operations, I’m keen to see the IIAR grow. And it can only do that by aligning with - and supporting - the needs of AR professionals today.
That’s why I’d like to hear your feedback - whether you’re a member, a lapsed member, or a potential member. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be asking as many AR professionals as possible three simple questions: what should the IIAR should focus on, how can it help further the cause of AR professionals, and what would persuade you to hand over a membership fee?
A high priority is to establish an IIAR chapter in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm on the lookout for rainmakers interested in bringing AR professionals together on the US West Coast, helping start and run a new IIAR chapter. It’s very early for promises, but my goal is to have at least an initial IIAR get-together in/around San Francisco before the end of this year.
So please - get in touch!