ii2030: co-creating transformational impact to achieve the SDGs
Why should you join ii2030? Because the world needs you, and you need others.
We need systems change, fast
Now is a time of unprecedented opportunity – and risk. New technologies enable us to do things faster, better, cheaper. Additive manufacturing, satellite monitoring, solar energy production and many other solutions converge and enable us to fundamentally rethink the way we organize our economies. This is good timing, because we need high-impact, highly scalable solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have 11 years to go, so we better move fast.
Who leads wins
What food system, energy system, manufacturing system do we want for the future? Those at the forefront of systems change reap the benefits of defining the next playing field. Let’s think big, and then find the sweet spot where we can test and implement! We can set the example for others to follow, and to believe that change is possible.
Coordination is key
No individual actor can change a system. Grid integration that fully leverages off-grid renewable technology. Local, inclusive, circular manufacturing. Small farmers fully integrated into food value chains. These opportunities involve many different players, with different backgrounds and incentives, from the public, private, civil and academic sectors, nationally, globally and locally. If we want to fast track systems change, we need an engine that drives it. ii2030 is this engine, bringing different players into the process at different stages with effective methodologies.
The proof is in the pilot
In a workshop on June 5 and 6 in Berlin, we will design the prototypes for three tech-led systems change opportunities: grid integration, remote sensing for food security, and circular, inclusive additive manufacturing. The real work will only start after the workshop, when we will collectively implement the roadmaps we define in India, Kenya, Bangladesh and other countries. Our ambition is to move from vision to pilot within a year.
Take a leap!
The process is ambitious, no doubt, and it could fail. But we need to be audacious to create a future worth living. Technology gives us the tools. Now we need the systems to put them to good work.
Together, we can make the transformation inclusive.