Ignoring = Problems Go Away
As undoubtedly many of us have found, much of my attention also has lately been distracted while COVID-19 travels world-wide ground to a halt.?To say the least!?Newly committed to bringing forth my voice in service, I now return to where I left off in January with “Carol-Ann’s Top 10 Caregiver Peeves”.
How Are Things at Home?
Even growing up in an alcoholic and paranoid schizophrenic environment, I can assure you my father and mother maintained ‘standards’ in what was presented to the outer world.?Thus, when you start to find the garden looking progressively neglected front and back, you ought to take notice.?When the home’s interior is no longer scoured for a visit the way it used to be for Grandma’s inspection, you ought to bring your radar to full alert.?Something is amiss.
Getting Any Alarming Calls?
Forever after Sunday, February 7, 2010, my father’s voice echoes across the corridors of family history…?“I am no longer managing Mommy’s care well.”?That one sentence marked an inseparable divide between how life used to be and how it was becoming.?Sound familiar under Coronavirus??In this case, our conversation led to escalating crises day and night plus lengthening phone calls while I vainly strove to avoid re-entry into a growing toxic nightmare.
Do Life’s Errands Unfold Competently?
Further, no matter how bad my Dad’s former drinking got, he justifiably prided himself on providing for my mother and me across the decades.?Therefore, when he (reluctantly) conceded to my submitting what became his final income tax payment, you had to know we were reaching the end.?Never mind the ordeal monthly bill-paying was turning into such that we had one of our worst fights ever to set up joint account banking!?Mercifully, I prevailed.
Next Time Around
Each of these blogs to date addresses important forms of avoidance.?Turn a blind eye to rotting salami forgotten in a kitchen drawer if you choose.
If you do not believe me, I plan to challenge you next time with the topic: How Difficult Can “The Talk” Be??You know the one I mean despite your denial.?Until then, check out my books at https://www.copingwithuncopeableparents.com/shop/ for more insights.