Some historian will one day get the opportunity to write Michael Martin’s political obituary. That day cannot come soon enough. Martin, now Taoiseach, will go down in history as blackening and shaming the honour and humanity of Ireland and compounding his own inhumanity through Treason. No leader of the Soldiers of Destiny ever delivered himself of a more inhumane speech in the Irish Parliament than Martin’s intervention when joining with the terrorists and Fine Gael, he said that abortion was the “compassionate” way of dealing with an expected baby, i.e. the murder of an unborn life! Deputy O’Keeffe rightly pointed out in the same debate that no independent sovereign Irish Government had ever defiled and violated human rights in this draconian and murderous way! But while this was undoubtedly the cruellest, most inhumane, most criminal and most inappropriate use and recourse which Martin made to the exercise by Ireland and its institutions of Government of its sovereign powers, it was not by any means the first time that Martin had abused his position as a Member of Parliament, indeed as a Government Minister as he held the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs following the rejection by the Irish people of the Lisbon Treaty and all its provisions, including the explosive and destructive Article 50, in the only mandatory and binding constitutional referendum ever held concerning the proposed or potential ratification by Ireland on the issue. Martin has frequently shown that he is intellectually challenged when it comes to understanding and grasping the most basic legal concepts required to administer and exercise sovereignty through the difficult and turbulent waters of international relations. Premier Leo and Foreign Minister Simon have scarcely shown any stellar ability and perspicacity in these crucial areas either, but it is not possible to blame them for the disastrous decision to force the Irish people crassly and unconstitutionally to vote again on the Treaty of Lisbon, that was an insane decision taken by the Soldiers of Destiny, in a Sarkozy and Merkel induced panic in which Martin as Foreign Minister proved to be both the chief-architect and the chief-villain of the criminal and treasonable betrayal of the sovereign decision taken by the Irish people in a referendum. Martin knew and knows perfectly well that it is the Irish people and not the Government, Parliament, Judiciary or President who are sovereign in such circumstances and that the Irish people’s decision in a referendum of this nature is final. To attempt to circumvent such a decision in any way, especially by requiring the Irish people to vote again, is criminal and does not constitute the least of crimes, any such effort or efforts, or scheme or conspiracy or conspiracies constitutes and amounts to Treason against the people and calls into existence, just like any other coup, the existence and integrity of the Irish State (as well as having incidentally gravest and most destructive implications and consequences for the integrity of the European Union as a jurisprudentially and juridical legal construct based on a valid scheme and system of scrupulously honestly and validly ratified series of multilateral treaties creating and imposing valid and enforceable legal rights, duties and obligations). Martin was at all times aware of the damage his actions were inflicting on Ireland, and indeed the European Union for that matter. But Martin did not care; the dapper navy-suited politician, with the balding hair, had long ago determined that he wished to achieve the highest political office, that of Taoiseach, and that he would stop at nothing in the pursuit of that particular objective. Martin is no de Valera, no Taoiseach Sean, no Tánaiste Sean and with every passing need “to rat”, he has ratted, ever and evermore the more unscrupulous and less principled rodent. The problem with manoeuvring of this kind, especially not just on the national, but on the international stage, is that it is all too easy, especially for an actor of Martin’s decidedly limited abilities to maintain all the ducks in a row or keep all the pieces moving on the map in the correct way at the right time. William Shakespeare urges boldness, daring and temerity in “Julius Caesar”
“There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.”
But the converse of Shakespeare’s advice is equally true, and thanks to Michael Martin’s crass short term fraudulent opportunism, Ireland now finds itself just a few years down the road lost on a sea with huge waves and a mountainous swell having to deal with a trap jointly sprung by the British, the Germans and the French (the three major Western European geo-political powers) aided and abetted by Russian spying and Machiavellian machinations in a dangerously deteriorating Pan-European situation and the relentless unending activities of Provisional IRA terrorists and Protestant paramilitaries exploiting the highway for terrorism deliberately created to enable and further their depravities and atrocities by the Six Horsemen, Bertie, Tony Blair, Gerry Adams, the late Martin, Big Ian and Bill Clinton by leaving a wide swathe along and across Ireland’s sovereign border unpoliced, uninspected and undefended. The “BREXIT” conundrum was less than cleverly launched or triggered (courtesy of the illegal Article 50 process in the unlawful Treaty of Lisbon) by David Cameron, Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove. The explanations and motivations for the decidedly sordid “BREXIT” phenomenon are many, race, xenophobia, chauvinism, pure old-fashioned greed, as well as a quest and grasp for much sought for (and decidedly illegal and immoral) influence and power number large among them. What “BREXIT” started has the very definite potential to threaten the continued existence of a United Kingdom and the peace of Europe. But long before that, thanks to Michael Martin and his vanity, arrogance, short-sightedness, ambition and stupidity, many, many people, mostly Irish people, in the South, in the North and in the United Kingdom will have suffered greatly, many losing their jobs and hard-won livelihoods and a great many families having to face unnecessary but Michael Martin purely predictable and disastrous rise in prices. Politics, economics and military matters often shape the course of history, but so too do arrogance, stupidity and folly. Since Genesis mankind has had to contend with good and evil. Europe has had more than its fair share of deadly wars, perverted racial theories and actual genocide. Throughout “BREXIT”, European nationalists have combined xenophobia with folly, indulging in unprincipled racist denunciations of immigrants and refugees. These outrageous attacks may well affect the peace of Europe.
Theresa May was ill-suited to leading the negotiations, as she lacked any real genuine conviction other than a quasi-terminal insularity. Her ill-advised quest for power may eventually lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom and inflict fatal damage on Europe. Lacking any of Sir Winston Churchill’s toughness or charisma, Mrs May was remarkably ill-suited to lead Britain in the toughest European negotiations since the Treaty of Versailles. Many feared that Mrs May would ship-wreck Britain in sight of the promised land. The wisest urged Mrs May to revise her bizarre economic theories on immigration, the Single Market and the Customs Union. The compassionate were horrified that Theresa May was prepared to sacrifice Europeans, who had been married to British citizens and who have lived in Britain and brought up their families there for years. Theresa May clearly had only a very faint grasp of geopolitics. But there is no solid evidence of any kind that Boris Johnson understands the wider world any better than Theresa May. Many European democracies are already rattled by Jihad, Syria and the extremism of the Far Right. Marine Le Pen who leads the Front National is the daughter of a man who unashamedly persisted in denying the Holocaust. The triggering of Article 50 was done irresponsibly by the United Kingdom and it may well not be long before it causes a security crisis. Following on Trump’s indifference and not guaranteed Joe Biden’s whole-hearted support, Britain may find itself isolated facing Russia, Turkey and Iran. The philosophy underlying “BREXIT” was legally enabled only by Michael Martin, but was exploited without any good or valid reason and was reckless and devoid of all business and commercial justification. “BREXIT”’s philosophy is divisive, racist and driven and motivated by evil spirits. Some very dark souls lurk hidden and cloaked under the shadows of “BREXIT”. Many of these dark souls may thanks to Michael Martin be afforded the opportunity to thrive in the dark prophetic words of William Butler Yeats:
“Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold,
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.”
(William Butler Yeats "The second Coming")
Maurice James, Barrister at Law, International Relations Consultant
11th December 2020