Hopefully this article will galvanise and provoke black people into looking at the contribution they are making to this society in which they and their children live. So as to instigate, stimulate, a mindset change. And an awareness, that the lack of investment economically socially politically into our society is visually harming our young children. Who feel very visually unrepresented. In other words, “what have we?got.” As they see many people who came to this country after their families who seem at least from the outside seem to be making visual progress in terms of economic ventures shops and businesses'. And in many cases exploiting our communities with no respect for us.?Its as if those who come into our communities believe us to be so IGNORANT and they are not far wrong. Their own people do not shop in the black community. They?go to their own communities to spend their money. Where they pool there monies together and become economically viable and powerful. And leave the ignorant black people still begging everybody for help and crying about their plight. While everyone else is making life better for their children.??
Growing up in this country we always called it Babylon and we looked to Afrika our homeland to go back to. But for most that dream has now gone and we have to realise that this is now home.????
We have to take control of our lives and that of our children. No longer blaming others for our failures as parents. Such as the school, the police, society. Black parents for the most part we are a disgrace. The power we possess if we come together is enough to let us know we are failing ourselves and our children. If you believe that our children need to be taught black history our real black history than we as a people should be demanding this. Our children are not whole they are in many cases suffering from a sub-conscious inferiority complex and SDM (Social Deprivation Mindset) living in a white society where they are taught lies and inaccuracies about who they are and what their people have contributed to this society and the world history. And if we are?waiting for so-called scholars and academics to join in with us to spread the truth that they know it to be don’t hold your breath.?
We as parents have seriously let down our children in every way imaginable. And the biggest waste of space has been the black man and our near non-existent relationships with our children. We have left behind a legacy of baby mamas' children without fathers growing up in a hostile environment. No sight of marriage. With no support financially or socially.?
Children filling the prisons. Where are their fathers. Yet you want to ?
blame others. They are our children. Hang your head in shame as many of us black men have become a waste of space and the rest of the world are watching us. But there is still time. ?
Trevor Hercules??