Ignorance of The Truth Is No Excuse - Those That Are Purposely Ignorant - Let Them Be Ignorant Still - 2024 Probation Ends Suddenly
Kenneth Golden
Author / Researcher /Artificial Intelligence/Discovering Reciprocity Newsletter
"The Current or Second Earth Age" that we now live in began within an untold number of years after "The First Earth Age" when Lucifer / Satan's rule was destroyed by the first worldwide flood initiated?by "The Creator" because of the Satan rebellion.?
My previous article about the "Three Earth Ages" can be viewed at the following link:?
Unfortunately, despite all of the truth presented by Prophets, Apostles, Preachers, Teachers, and?Evangelists; millions of people are "Purposely Ignorant" of what is about to happen next within time and space.
Millions of individuals in every country are about to be blindsided by what is about to prophetically happen next because they are struck by?"Ignorance of The Truth".
If you are reading this now, you can avoid being cursed by "The?Ignorance of not knowing The Truth".?
I Have Added A Very Informative Video at The Bottom of This Communication to Aid Your Comprehension.
Kenneth Golden (Author)
I have studied?"Eschatology"?or "End Time Events" for over three decades and I am telling you to not be ignorant of what is poised to initiate?very soon; quite possibly starting in 2024.
In Order, these events are about to take place in rapid succession.
First - The Rapture of all Believers.
Second - The Seven-Year Tribulation with 21 Judgments starts.
Third - The False Trinity (The Anti-Christ, False Prophet, and Dragon/Satan).
Fourth - The?Second Coming of Christ.
Fifth -?The Anti-Christ?and False Prophet are placed into the "Lake of Fire".
Sixth - Satan / The Dragon cast into "The Bottomless Pitt" for 1000 years.
Seventh - The Sheep and Goats Judgments.
Eighth -??The 1000 Year Millenium.
Ninth - Satan released, defeated, then cast into The Lale of Fire.
Tenth - The Great?White Throne Judgement.
Eleventh - Old Heaven and Earth Completely Destroyed, with no memory of it.
Twelfth - A New Heaven and New Earth with The Creator Living With Us.
The Mark of the Beast:
Unveiling its Mystery in the Book of Revelation
The mark of the beast, mentioned in the book of Revelation, has captivated and puzzled people for centuries. In this blog post, we will explore its significance, interpretations, and consequences.
Understanding the Mark of the Beast
Two distinct marks:
The Mark of God and The Mark of the Beast
In the biblical book of Revelation, there is a prophetic reference to the "mark of the beast." This mark is distinguished from the "mark of God," representing allegiance to Satan and his kingdom rather than to God.
The mark of God is mentioned as a sign of protection and salvation for those who are faithful to Him. In contrast, the mark of the beast symbolizes loyalty to Satan and his kingdom of evil.
Scholars propose various interpretations: microchip, visible or invisible mark, debit or credit card
Over the years, scholars and theologians have proposed various interpretations of what the mark of the beast could be.
One popular theory suggests that it could be a microchip implanted in the body, serving as a means of tracking and controlling individuals.
This interpretation has gained traction due to advancements in technology and the rise of surveillance systems.
Others argue that the mark could be a visible or invisible symbol imprinted on the body, indicating allegiance to the beast or his kingdom.
It is believed that this mark could be a physical emblem, such as a tattoo or branding.
However, some believe that it could also be an invisible mark, perhaps a spiritual or metaphysical representation of one's loyalty to the evil forces.
Another interpretation proposes that the mark of the beast could be a form of payment system, such as a debit or credit card. This theory suggests that individuals will be required to use a specific card or digital payment method to engage in commerce.
It appears a short section of the Book of Revelation
The concept of the mark of the beast is introduced in the book of Revelation, which is filled with vivid imagery and prophetic visions of the future.
In this apocalyptic book, the mark is described as being implemented during a time of tribulation and great deception, when the powers of darkness will seemingly reign over the world.
According to the book of Revelation, the mark of the beast will be enforced by an individual known as the Antichrist.
This person is depicted as a charismatic leader who opposes Christ and seeks to establish his reign of power.
The beast, often associated with Satan, is also mentioned as an ally of the Antichrist and the false prophet.
Together, they form a trinity of evil, seeking to deceive and control humanity.
The Beast:
A man allied with Satan and the false prophet to rule the world
The beast mentioned in the book of Revelation is often interpreted as a representation of a man who aligns himself with Satan and the false prophet to rule over the world.
This man is endowed with great political and military power, making him a formidable force in the end times.
Some interpretations suggest that the beast could be a world leader who gains immense popularity and influence, using his charisma and cunning to deceive and manipulate people.
Others believe that the beast might be a symbolic figure representing a powerful empire or system of government that is controlled by Satan.
Antichrist: opposing or acting in place of Christ
In the context of the mark of the beast, the term "Antichrist" refers to an individual or entity that opposes or acts in place of Christ.
This figure is often portrayed as a charismatic leader who leads people astray from the path of righteousness, promoting wickedness and rebellion against God.
The Antichrist is described as someone who deceives the masses and tries to establish his kingdom, assuming roles and attributes typically associated with Jesus Christ.
This figure embodies the ultimate embodiment of evil and represents the antithesis of everything that Christ stands for.
In conclusion, the mark of the beast is a profound and mysterious concept mentioned in the book of Revelation. While it has sparked various interpretations and speculations, its true nature and form remain uncertain.
Whether it is a physical mark, a form of digital identification, or a symbol of allegiance, the mark serves as a warning and reminder of the spiritual battle between good and evil.
As believers, it is crucial to stay vigilant and faithful in the face of deception and temptation, ensuring that our allegiance is firmly rooted in God rather than in the beast and his kingdom.
Unveiling the Beast and False Prophet
In the realm of eschatology, the concept of the Beast and the False Prophet has captured the imaginations of many.
Often associated with apocalyptic prophecies, these figures play significant roles in end-time events.
So, let us delve into the mysteries surrounding the Beast and False Prophet, and understand their significance in the grand narrative of the end times.
The False Prophet:
Deception and Supernatural Power
The False Prophet, as the name suggests, is a religious figure who possesses supernatural powers.
This individual emerges onto the world stage during the end times, and their primary objective is to deceive people and lead them to worship the Beast.
False prophets have existed throughout history, claiming to have divine messages and supernatural abilities.
However, the False Prophet during the end times will wield extraordinary powers, captivating the masses with their miracles and seemingly divine authority.
This false religious figure will exploit the vulnerability and uncertainty of people during a chaotic period.
Their persuasive abilities will be so potent that even the elect, those who would typically resist deception, could be led astray.
Individuals must remain discerning and adherent to their faith, as only then can they avoid falling into the trap laid by the False Prophet.
The Mark of the Beast:
Economic Participation and Control
One of the defining features associated with the Beast is the infamous mark that individuals will be forced to receive to participate in the global economy.
This mark, often referred to as the Mark of the Beast, will become a requirement for buying and selling.
This mark will serve as a form of control and manipulation by the Beast system, as it binds individuals to their authority.
It will be a symbol of allegiance to the Beast and a demonstration of submission to its power.
While speculations persist regarding the exact nature of the mark, its implementation, and the technologies involved, one thing is clear – it will be a potent tool of economic coercion, ensuring compliance and adherence to the Beast’s rule.
However, individuals must be cautious, as receiving the mark of the Beast will come at a severe cost.
The Number of the Beast: Symbolizing Human Imperfection
The infamous number associated with the Beast is 666, which has become synonymous with evil and malevolence.
This number is deeply rooted in biblical symbolism and holds significance in its interpretation.
In biblical numerology, the number 666 is believed to represent the imperfection and fallibility of humanity.
It signifies the inherent flaws and limitations of human nature when disconnected from the divine.
While the exact meaning and significance may vary among interpretations, it serves as a powerful reminder that human beings, when driven by their desires and ego, become susceptible to corruption and the influence of destructive forces.
Understanding the symbolism behind the number 666 reinforces the importance of seeking spiritual guidance and living in alignment with divine values.
The Visible Mark: A Mysterious Enigma
One of the intriguing aspects concerning the mark of the Beast is its physical manifestation.
According to religious texts, this mark will be visible on the right hand or forehead of those who receive it.
While the exact nature of this mark remains a mystery, it is clear that it is not currently in existence.
This ambiguity has led to various speculations and interpretations, with some suggesting technological advancements and others proposing spiritual symbolism.
Until the end times unfold and the mark is revealed, its true form and nature will remain veiled in secrecy.
Yet, it serves as a reminder to remain vigilant and guard against any ideologies or systems that may lead to compromising one's faith.
Consequences for Worshipping the Beast: God's Wrath and Torment
Worshipping the Beast and receiving its mark will have grave consequences. The wrath of God will be poured out upon those who choose to align themselves with the Beast system, subjecting them to punishment and torment.
While the exact nature of this punishment is subject to theological debate, the overriding message is clear – aligning oneself with the powers of darkness will result in eternal separation from God and His blessings.
"And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, 'If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or his hand, he also will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the presence of the Lamb.'" (Revelation 14:9-10)
To avoid this fate, individuals must remain steadfast in their faith, resist the allure of the Beast system, and seek solace in the divine truths as revealed in their respective religious doctrines.
The Mark of the Beast in God's Plan
The concept of the mark of the beast has fascinated believers and non-believers alike for centuries. In the book of Revelation, it is described as a fraudulent copy of the mark of God, a seal of protection and ownership.
This mark is seen as a symbol of defiance against God, and during the time of God's wrath, it is viewed as a bad idea.
The mark of the beast is closely tied to the antichrist, who is believed to be a charismatic leader who will rise to power during the end times.
The defeat of the antichrist ushers in a millennial kingdom with Jesus' reign. This defeat is a powerful moment in God's plan and signifies the ultimate victory of good over evil.
While the mark of the beast is a symbol of rebellion against God, it also serves as a reminder of God's control and ultimate victory.
It is a stark contrast to the mark of God, which represents protection and belonging. Those who refuse to accept the mark of the beast are often portrayed as loyal servants of God, who trust in His providence and faithfulness.
In the book of Revelation, the mark of the beast is mentioned in conjunction with the number 666.
This number has long been associated with evil and the devil. The mark itself is described as being placed on the forehead or right hand of individuals.
It is believed that this mark will be required for any kind of commerce or participation in society.
For believers, the mark of the beast carries a deep significance. It serves as a marker of loyalty and allegiance to God.
Those who refuse to accept the mark face persecution and even death. However, this refusal also represents a steadfast faith and a hope for redemption. The mark of the beast becomes a test of faith and a demonstration of trust in God's ultimate plan.
The book of Revelation is filled with symbolism and imagery, and the mark of the beast is just one example of this. It is a powerful reminder of the ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil.
It serves as a warning to believers, encouraging them to remain vigilant and faithful even in the face of persecution.
Ultimately, the mark of the beast is a temporary symbol of rebellion and deception. It is a tool used by the antichrist to assert his authority and control. However, it is important to remember that God is ultimately in control.
The defeat of the antichrist and the establishment of Jesus' millennial kingdom bring hope and redemption to believers.
The mark of the beast is not the end of the story, but rather a stepping stone towards God's ultimate plan for humanity.
The Final Judgment and Triumph
In the final days, a great battle between good and evil ensues. The Antichrist, along with his worshipers, will be cast into the lake of fire, marking their ultimate defeat.
This event signifies the end of their reign of terror and darkness.
But it is not just the defeat of the Antichrist that brings an end to this era. Jesus, the ultimate bringer of light and truth, returns to establish a new beginning.
With his arrival, justice and peace permeate the millennial kingdom.
The millennial kingdom is a time of restoration, where God's righteous reign brings forth an era of harmony.
This is a period where the world experiences the fullness of God's plan for humanity. The effects of the fall are undone, and everything is reconciled to its original purpose.
The triumph of light over darkness is not just a physical transformation. It is a spiritual awakening, where God's light and truth prevail over every evil and deception.
The darkness that once enveloped the world is replaced by God's radiant glory.
But amidst this triumph, there remains a message of redemption and hope. For even in the face of darkness, we are reminded that God's love is greater.
His redemptive plan provides a way out of the clutches of sin and offers us a future filled with hope.
More Information:
In the final judgment and triumph, the Antichrist and his worshipers are cast into the lake of fire.
Jesus' return ushers in a new beginning marked by justice and peace in the millennial kingdom. God's light and truth prevail over darkness, offering redemption and hope to all.
What Will Happen to All of The Goats in The Sheep and Goats Judgment?
The Sheep and Goats Judgment is a biblical parable found in the Gospel of Matthew, specifically in Matthew 25:31-46.
In this parable, Jesus describes a scene where people are separated into two groups, the "sheep" and the "goats," based on their actions and treatment of others.
Those referred to as the "sheep" are blessed and invited into the kingdom of heaven because they display kindness and compassion to others, such as feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, and caring for the sick and imprisoned.
The "goats," on the other hand, are condemned because they did not perform these acts of kindness.
The parable does not specifically address the fate of goats in a literal sense but uses them symbolically to convey the idea of judgment based on one's actions and treatment of others.
It's important to note that the parable is a metaphorical illustration rather than a literal description of events.
If you have specific theological or biblical questions about the interpretation of this parable, CLICK HERE
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