Is Ignorance really a Bliss?
Perspective from Timeless Wisdom from Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Is Ignorance really a Bliss?

Sometimes we rejoice in being in Ignorance. From the bottom of my heart, the inner voice yells at us that something is wrong. Knowingly or unknowingly, we ignore that advice and indulge in dark activities.

The human mind is software which can be corrupted by the virus of Ignorant desires. Our body is just a puppet of our mind and desires. To tame it, we must feed our minds with positivity and the right thoughts. If we let it roam around freely, it can create havoc in our life (as well as in others' lives).

When I read Shrimad Bhagvad Gita, it struck me with a thunderbolt. The topic and context was the mode of Ignorance. This holy book beautifully explains the concept of the three modes which govern the whole universe, including all living beings. If you know it and apply it in your life, you are bound to get the fruits. That's for sure.

You must have heard the saying, "Will will find the way". It resonates with the principle in context. If you have developed wrong desires, and you let yourself dwell on it, nature will enable the fulfillment for sure (the Law of Karma in one sense). If not immediately, but in the long run, you will definitely get it. ? ?

Now, to do a deep dive, let me explain how the mode of Ignorance compels us to follow the wrong desires created by ourselves. The mode of Ignorance essentially represents darkness or nescience. It provides an opportunity for all living beings to fulfill their bad intentions, and it creates the environment and situations leading to their beliefs and desires.?

The outcome of Ignorance is explained by Lord Krishna in Bhagvad Gita. A person under the influence of darkness feels inertia and delusion. He/she starts behaving neglectful and selfish. Just thinking about the pleasure of yourself at the cost of others' destruction. Sometimes, we see people behaving like wild animals and harming others. But the underlying cause for this kind of behavior is our actions and thoughts. Ultimately, "We become what we feed ourselves".?

The person under the spell of dark activities suffers in the end. Actually, sufferings from these kinds of activity have surfed from the beginning. But unfortunately, it is difficult to identify at the early stage. Hence, by knowing how the system of our mind works, we can take proactive and reactive measures to come out of this mode and save ourselves.

Do read the amazing book written by Shrila Prabhupda (Founder of Iskcon), "Bhagvad Gita as it is". The author has represented the life lessons with practical and feasible application in our lives.

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