Ignorance and negative thoughts are big hurdles in the process of development
Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, PhD, DhC
Executive President and Chairman of the Board of Governors - International Organization for Educational Development
Being Executive President and the Chairman of the Council of Governors of the IOED, it gives me a great pleasure to extend greetings of Happy and Prosperous New Year 2017.
There is a hairline difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one. To get success is not a difficult task. What is more difficult is its journey. One should be fully aware of the path or route. He must be well aware of the precautions and fully prepared for its journey towards his goal. Moral confidence is more necessary than financial help. The person who uses his energy fully and totally in one direction easily gets success as compared to an unsuccessful person who changes his goals frequently. In the same way when we are associated with any organization, we should give our best in order to get best. We should have thorough knowledge of that organization and its activities in order to perform well.
Shri Narendra Modi, our Honourable Prime Minister and some members of his council of Ministers have been performing their duties nicely in the interest of the Nation. His actions speak louder than his words. The Policy of our Honourable Prime Minister is to remove the poverty and crime rather than poor and criminals. It is also the time to create awareness about the cashless transactions to fight against High level Corruption, Terrorism and Organized Crime. It is just because of him the India has got such credibility once again in the global market. We are also getting good remarks from the World Leaders but system cannot be changed overnight. Public cooperation is must.
We should not blame always to the government and its functioning authorities for all deeds. Being a responsible citizen, we are also responsible for our home, society and country and should work to save the Humanity and maintaining Peace and Justice. There are acute manpower shortage in the Police and Judiciary. We should support them. We all should actively perform on the issues of the high level corruption based crime, global terrorism, drugs and organized criminal activities, should inform to the nearby police station, call on 100 number and also inform one of the top police officer immediately.
My only submission before the government machinery is to honestly follow the Digitisation process, therefore reduce the paper work, timely reply because justice delayed is justice denied. In India NGOs are really doing exceptionally well. We only expect from our Government to honour our time as today what matters more is time.
Kindly also view these Videos and let us know your expert comments:
The International Organization for Educational Development “IOED”– An International Diplomatic Mission to support Educational Development and Economic Cooperation through education is having special Extraterritorial Status duly registered and approved to establish Internal Court and Force to protect its Mission Offices world-wide like United Nations and its agencies i.e. IMF, World Bank, European Commission, OPEC, etc. and a Sovereign Nation.
The IOED has been taking a number of innovative steps to infuse quality and originality in the field of technology and higher education to produce a new generation of Entrepreneurs and Executives by roping in innovative thinkers, planners and job creators resulting today above 20000 Students are ready to come to India from the Europe to study for Skilling and the Royal Academy of the United Nations is interested to join hands with the IOED. It is a proud moment for all of us.
Difference between an International Organization and NGO!
An organization with global mandates, generally funded by contributions from national governments called International Organizations or IO. An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. The Groups are having members from more than one country, government or non-governmental, profit or non-profit organizations are most closely associated with the term 'international organization'. Notable examples include the United Nations, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Organization for Migration, International Organization for Educational Development and United Nations agencies Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Council of Europe, European Union, and World Trade Organization. The UN has used the term "intergovernmental organization" instead of "international organization" for clarity.
Non-governmental organization:
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is not an organization that is a part of a government nor may a conventional for-profit business, usually set up by ordinary citizens, NGOs be funded by governments, foundations, businesses, or private persons. Some avoid formal funding altogether and are run primarily by volunteers. NGOs are highly diverse groups of organizations engaged in a wide range of activities, and take different forms in different parts of the world. Some may have charitable status, while others may be registered for tax exemption based on recognition of social purposes. Others may be fronts for political, religious, or other interests.
Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity that ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws, although they can still be expelled. It was agreed as international law in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), though the concept and custom have a much longer history. Many principles of diplomatic immunity are now considered to be customary law. Diplomatic immunity as an institution developed to allow for the maintenance of government relations, including during periods of difficulties and even armed conflict. When receiving diplomats - who formally represent the sovereign - the receiving head of state grants certain privileges and immunities to ensure they may effectively carry out their duties, on the understanding that these are provided on a reciprocal basis.
To know in details, kindly read the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961. The copy of the same is available on the website: https://www.ioed.in/legal-instrument.html
The IOED is working in the partnership of the government of the Partner UN Nations on the various issues. Today many educational institutions under Educational Boards and universities are trying to provide quality education but students are still not being able to get jobs as per their educational qualification. Now, the time has arrived the government is forced to think for the Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and constituted separate Ministry for this purpose. Skilling is not an easy task and we felt the requirement to establish the International Organization for Educational Development – IOED to support Educational Development and Economic Cooperation through education. The name of the organization, Constitution and Charter, Mission and Vision are important but most important is working Executives like Core Committee Members, Advisors and Council Members who work sincerely and responsibly on the same issues in the interest of all the stakeholders without any distinction of caste, creed or religion and in the interest of the mankind in general. We are thankful to all our Members working on this Holistic Mission in the interest of the general public as well as all the UN Nations without any immediate return. One of the main mottos of the IOED is to spread education especially skill development and entrepreneurship program for which we drafted a concept of the Multipurpose Educational-cum-Training-cum-Service-cum-Business Centres Project that is appreciated by all. We noticed that so many renowned personalities appreciated our concept but nobody is ready to step forward. Also Governments of all UN Nations are still following the traditional way of doing work (Lengthy procedures which are time consuming and it will take time to change the system in actual). You will be glad to note that we have opted option to support all educational Institutions and as per our planning without leaving our actual concept we had established a “National Skill Development Certification Council – to Create Global Cadre for skilled workforce to meet global demand of skilled workers”. Through this media, we shall promote business for our partner Universities, Institutions, Colleges and Schools even community colleges. It will be called Business to Universities - B2U.
The IOED is running the following courses: Ayurveda, Character Education, Computer Literacy, Foreign Language, General Knowledge, Personality Development, Self Defense and Skill for the particular trade as per local area requirement and Yoga. These all short term vocational courses are of one year only. The “National Skill Development Certification Council” – to Create Global Cadre for skilled workforce to meet global demand of skilled workers will certify. The 10th and 12th passed School dropout students and above are highly recommended for these short term vocational courses. There are huge employment opportunities within India and abroad if candidates are cultured and have good knowledge about the particular trade because we are entering in almost countries. Our candidates having IOED’s International Certification in any trade of the Skill Development Diploma Courses will get employment easily in the developed countries like USA, Canada and Australia on good salary package. Through “IOED Global Business Centres” we shall also promote Business for our partner industries and it will be called - B2B. As per new strategy we shall facilitate all our stakeholders residing in the rural and sub-urban areas and will also extend our best possible support to the Business Houses and Industries. Being Development Partner, the IOED supports the Mission and Vision of all the concerned Ministries of Federal and State Government of the entire partner UN Nations directly or indirectly in order to create awareness about different policies and schemes through Nukar Natak, advertisements and promotion, etc. Hope you will understand the intentions of the IOED and will feel comfort to work accordingly!
As now we have understood the basic problems of the formal education system that it doesn't lead to employment as such. The scenario of employment based education / training is more or less same across the globe and we are planning to overcome these lacunae to build a new employment / entrepreneur’s friendly syllabi/ training course / Academics.
In my opinion the most important tasks to be fulfilled before taking any step forward are:
Task 1: How to develop an effective integrated employable educational system which can start imparting skill development along with basic education from the day one (from July 2017 onwards) in the primary / middle / High schools & Colleges to stop duplication of work in future?
Answer: We can ask the concerning authorities/ school boards to reduce their educational curriculums from 6 days week to 4 days week and remaining 2 days can be further utilised for Skill Development & Entrepreneurial Trainings through different hobby clubs in the institutions only.
Task 2: We should be able to convince all related Ministries and Government Bodies about need of the hour.
Answer: reformation / reorientation of most of the formal education system & Syllabi to develop practical skills based - "Talent along with Knowledge" amongst youth and job aspirants.
Task 3: How to show the effectiveness of the new system?
Answer: Take up few institutions as model institution to develop them on the same lines.
Task 4: How to achieve the target early?
Answer: We should join hands (provide technical support) with budding or new organisations/ NGOs/Schools/ other institutions who are ready to except the challenge of integrated/ blended educational system.
Secondly we should take up unproductive/ ineffective educational institutions for reformation & rejuvenation (As the IOED planned to do in the state of the Rajasthan).
There is numerous such constructive ideas which can change the scenario & fate of our youth and future Job aspirants. It can set an excellent example before the world that the India was Pioneer, is pioneer in the field of education and will remain pioneer in the field of education, Skill Development and Employment in future also.
All dedicated individuals from various professional lines such as businessmen, industrialists, educationists, doctors, engineers, architects, lawyers, retired and active peace officers of the law, soldiers, veterans, and other professionals who stand for peace, justice, liberty and democracy and able to extend their support physically, mentally and financially are welcomed!
Trust, you understood all about the IOED and its functions and there is no confusion at all to serve and support the IOED in the interest of the entire World as it is our big family. We should build and beautify it through hard work with sincerity, dedication and love to all without any distinction of caste, creed or religion and in the interest of the mankind in general. It can be possible through Employable Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Development. However, you can raise your points if any.
Your valuable message in receipt of the above noted message can prove a great help to expand our wings.
General Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, IPC India
Adjunct Faculty at Calcutta University Geology department
8 年It is an excellent step. Please include earth science in general and petroleum geology in particular along with vocational courses of different trades which is a very crucial requirements for the petroleum related industry.