Ignorance is Bliss but the cost of Bliss is high
Michael Gray Griffith
Creator and host of podcast Cafe Locked Out Recording Courageous Australian Voices And Playwright for The Wolves Theatre Company
These people, sharing their harrowing stories of their brush with covid19 are paid actors acting.
Don't worry about looking for the evidence, for that is currently going viral and you will see it shortly.
In fact many of us saw the evidence before the mass media behemoths posted it.
Sadly now, there is a great pestilence besieging us, but it is not a virus, and many people are coping with it with fear.
But the only thing to fear are the irreversible and draconian changes that their fear is allowing to be made to our country.
Because they are aware of this, this is why the truckies are threatening to strike.
This is why people are being referred to as woke.
Woke, means simply, having the courage to accept that the system, that has to a great extent protected you, is now, for whatever reason, not even bothering to hide the fact that it is lying.
Which means, people are becoming irrationally frightened and therefore nasty, and that is because they feel like they are falling.
If you can't trust the Government and the media then who will look after you?
Especially if one of your core needs is to be cared for.
"Ignorance is Bliss."
But Bliss is currently asking a terrible price.
Sadly it appears it is worth losing friends to retain, even family.
But the real concerning cost, is that to many, Bliss is worth throwing away our freedoms. Simple freedoms, travel, the freedom to choose what to put in your body, the freedom to work without a jab, the freedom to go to a restaurant.
And these freedoms are not ours to relinquish, they are instead our ward to hand over to our Children.
This pandemic is actually a great test for the Character of our Country. . .
Take a breath, evaluate and then be brave and sit it well, for as a generation, we might only get to sit it once.
Michael Gray Griffith