Ignorance and Arrogance
"Information and knowledge should not come from authority; authority should come from information and knowledge. " - Steven Paul Leiva.
There is no word that accurately describes someone who is ignorant and arrogant. Philistine and bumptious come to mind. I prefer fucktard or dickhead.
You know the people I mean: Donald Trump. Or the young manager just out of business school. In possession of all the knowledge yet no experience. He or she makes stupid decisions which leaves veterans in a company astounded.
We live in an age of alternative facts and outright lies, delivered by bombastic people. They rely on the ignorance of the masses, to deliver their arrogant messages. We should not tolerate them. We should use our intelligence to look at the evidence. If it is scientific evidence, the more trust we can normally attach to it.
Ignorant/arrogant people are bores, opinionated, overbearing, dogmatic.. Benjamin Franklin, my all-time favourite American, learnt this as a young man. He was an opinionated man. A Quaker friend pointed this out to him. Forthwith, Franklin began to express
his beliefs modestly. In a way that acknowledged their possible falsehood.
"I may be wrong, but I think that......."
If only President Trump took Benjamin Franklin's advice. And of course, his supporters understood that the result was a feature, not a bug.