Ignorance ain't bliss.

Ignorance ain't bliss.

In 2019 the press was alight with the global mass student protests to demand climate action; championed by their (then) young superstar, Greta Thunburg. It salivated when the doomsaying of ‘climate experts’ told us the world would end in 2023. Now in 23’ it is ready to report with relish on any new juicy ‘Just Stop Oil’ disruptions and destructions. It’s news. Lead story, emotive and visually captivating news.

Ignoring the fact that the biggest influence on our climate always has been, and always will be, our sun, I am dismissing all aspects of the ‘climate debate’ in order to focus on what the ‘Just Stop Oil’ movement should be demanding.

Disclosure, and freedom to use alternate technologies.

Since at least the time of Nicolai Tesla, the supposedly free peoples of the world have been denied access to technologies that are completely clean, unlimited, and have no ongoing cost.

I’m not referring solely to Tesla’s towers, those famously torn down by his financier, the bankster JP Morgan- their fate sealed with the infamous “If I can’t put a meter on it and charge for it, I don’t want to know about it.” but also to all the other inventions by scientists, engineers and laymen home tinkerers, who’ve discovered their own means of generating power from what’s commonly referred to as the ‘zero point’, magnetic/toroidal generators, or through water powered and hydrogen engines.

Do you remember news reports from your youth about individuals scattered across the world coming to the media with water powered engines? I do- and if you’re a Gen X’er you likely do too. Like Stan Myer who demonstrated his hydrogen powered car in the early 80’s.(1) He sold his invention to the US government and died soon after.

And I certainly remember similar Australian inventors and newscasts from the 80’s and even early 90’s.

But you’ll never see these inventions sneak through the editorial again.

It’s been thirty years since I saw the last of these- and then only on local broadcast news, prior to the stories mysteriously loosing all traction and further coverage.

So what happens to these inventors and their world changing technologies?

It appears they are either bought out, their inventions claimed under the official secrets act, or beholding coercion or capitulation, ‘accidented’- ie mortally silenced.

Many of these discoveries have not been high science, even high school students have stumbled upon magnetic toroidal technologies that are not only perpetual motion, but produce a positive net voltage. We need not stabilize Element 115 to provide the peoples of this world unfettered, unmetered, and unlimited clean energy. A simple magnetic toroidal contraption that will power a single lightbulb (scalable), though still not the best of the many free power options we’ve been actively denied, suffices as a working model of what I discuss here.

A device I can happily diagram for any who still hold doubt that there are better options than those fed to us through giant infrastructure, and at an ever increasing cost.

What humanity needs now is disclosure- not scientific censorship. And not a channeling of the indignant rage of the disillusioned of the world into demanding for ‘renewables’.

Because the same power controllers of yesterday are heavily invested in the new controlled, metered power of today and tomorrow.

We need scientific truth, and we need it now.

So let us accept that there are options available that would give the whole world free, clean and unlimited power.

What would a world allowed the boundless progression of unlimited free energy might look like- even when discarding the possible progresses lost to time that censorship of science has wrought upon the people, and our planet? I will sketch a picture of a possible tomorrow.

Klaud rises to a fresh cup of coffee- locally grown in the free community greenhouse- powered by a zero point device, this area in Norway having a short summer. He eats a breakfast of fresh organic produce grown in same. His household robot cleans as he meditates- today he is working on his ‘Glow’ series of paintings. He doesn’t sell many, but those he does brighten the lives of the collectors who display them. And he doesn’t charge much for his art, he doesn’t need to. Since the revelation of zero point energy, housing has been cheap- even free, most homes now being built with 3D printing technology, and food, education, medical treatment and power are universally gratis throughout all counties of the world. He stands before the canvas and looks out the huge bay window in his workroom at the deep blue sky- bluer and cleaner than any time since the industrial revolution- the huge sky scrubbers and sea cleaners having done their job admirably.

A few final brushstrokes and his latest piece is complete, he uses his handset to photograph the piece and put it online for sale. 50 Credits including shipping worldwide for this latest work. He types the title that has lodged itself in his mind for this piece; “Truth rises with the dawn.”

He can hear the kids in their rooms; both in online schooling and doing fantastically. They don’t need to be pushed into a school system based on militaristic indoctrination- in to a life of servitude. They will be free to study, invent, create and thrive, in a manner that suits the- and the world, best. With humanities basic needs all provided for they can follow their dreams- not be forced into soul destroying ‘work’ for companies and corporations.

Everything is free or cheaper.

90% of every manufacturing cost being power, cars can now be bought for less than 1000 credits. And they never need gas.

Robots complete all the tasks once loathed by man, and a new scientific renaissance flourishes. We are looking at terraforming other planets- not just within the solar system, but throughout the milky way.

For the first time in recorded history we have peace, we have a true future as a species.

This utopian picture is not outside our reach, in fact, it is the present we should have- the present we’ve been denied by those that profit from war, from energy, from slaving us to banal tasks in an effort to keep us from waking up to our stolen potential.

So I say to Greta, to the ‘Just Stop Oil’ fanatics- to any of that bend; educate yourself.

If you want to disrupt and occupy the economic centers and governments, destroy seminal art in galleries throughout the world, then know what- and WHO, you’re fighting for.

It’s the same cabal- publicly pushing a controlled narrative and rebellion that we see on our screens and in the streets. Not a fight for the future of humankind, our planet and ecosystems.

Push to bring real change- fight for the right to produce free, unlimited, clean energy- because it’s been available for longer than any of us have been alive.

Even better, fight for an end to privately owned central banks- printing currency out of their behinds for the peoples of the world- at debt, this debt slavery seeing every human on planet a slave to the privately owned fiction of ‘money’.

Because right now, all you’re doing is muddying the waters and playing into a controlled rebellion.

Self education is the remedy for ignorance.

Courage and intellect sure cure for cognitive dissonance.

Wake up, and let’s together strive for a true future for our species.

(1) Old news clip featuring Stan Myer’s water/hydrogen powered car


(2)The Case for a Free World: Central Banks vs Cryptocurrencies


Alfred T.

2nd Generational Heir to Nikola Tesla, 1st to Drazen, World's leading authority on CTP Energy Science, C-domain Communication?, CTP (anti)gravitic & FTL propulsion. Architect of the Nth Industrial Revolution?

1 年

Right in line with our thinking, JK Fidden.

The hIstory of nations is a repetitive cycle of economic collapse, JK Fidden. Every economy has featured a decreasing percentage of the population trying to get an increasing percentage of the wealth. And those in charge perpetuate the process until the inevitable failure of their economy. I imagine that the environment will play out in a similar manner. Things will reach a point where some coastal cities at least get to the brink of being unlivable, at which point things kick into overdrive.

James Timberlake

See Your Story on Screen! Film & Television Development @ StorieFoundation.org

1 年

Dude there is too much in this to cover everything- but yeah I agree it’s within reach, technologically. Politically, socially, emotionally, religiously…maybe not? Even if we ( as a species) we’re - would the others let us? This world hasn’t been ours for generations ??♀?


