Ignite Your Political Position Correctly!
Dr. Kim Carter (She/Her)
OhioHealth Vice President of Learning, Culture, & Belonging>> Certified Culture & Community Practitioner>>Corporate Trainer>>Executive Coach >>Transformational Thought Leader >>Keynote Speaker >>Published Author
By Dr. Kim Carter
Certainly, you have heard, seen, and possibly participated in our current political movement.?Regardless of your preferred political party or interest group, we all have a political conscious from which we operate.?How we operate is key! Merriam-Webster defines politically correct (PC) as “agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people.”?Here in lies the fine line as many exercise their constitutional right of freedom of speech to voice their positions while taking a stance on their political platform of choice.?This occurs and either unconsciously or consciously presents itself as an offense to others who differ or disagree with a political position or point. Sex, race, religion, familiar status, etc. will be discussed as they all are pieces of fabric weaved into our diverse culture.?Yet, there is a balance and amicable way to ignite your political position correctly.?Here are five ways to be PC:
First, remain clear and true to your own beliefs regardless of how they align with others as your background, education, and life experiences are unique to you and help shape your political position.?Research the topics and candidate records prior to getting involved in a political platform to make certain you do not compromise your beliefs.
Second, check your facts. Simply relying on media outlets to become informed on a topic or politician is not enough.?We must educate ourselves by viewing all available information sources and from varied perspectives. The Pew Research Center’s studies on citizen’s knowledge of current affairs showed that “Education proves to be the single best predictor of knowledge.”??
Third, being PC involves learning about others.?We can respect diverse views yet maintain our position, which may, or may not, support them.?Attempt to check your stereotypes at the door.?What internal thoughts do you have when you hear an ethnic last name??What do you think when you see a person with a tattoo-covered body??What non-verbal behaviors occur when you overhear someone speaking a different language??Being PC is a conscious-raising process involving a constant examination of “self”.??
Fourth, consider your word choices when discussing your political views.?For example, it is politically incorrect to say midget when referring to a small-sized person.?Avoid humor that may be offensive.?Determine the appropriate communication style; physical position to another person, tone, and non-verbal cues.
Moreover, when in doubt always seek to treat others with the same courtesy and respect as you desire.?Additionally, you can seek the advice of a trusted advisor or perform a quick Internet search of a reputable source.
Public Knowledge of Current Affairs Little Changed by News and Information Revolutions: What Americans Know: 1989-2007. (2007, April 15). Pew Research Center. Retrieved from https://www.people-press.org/2007/04/15/public-knowledge-of-current-affairs-little-changed-by-news-and-information-revolutions/
politically correct. 2011. In Merriam-Webster.com.?Retrieved August 18, 2015, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/politicallycorrect