Ignite Nebraska Celebrates First Class Of Graduates
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Helping People Live Better Lives
By Garret Swanson
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Division of Children and Family Services (CFS) is proud to announce the first class of Ignite Nebraska participants graduated on October 4. A ceremony was held to congratulate and recognize graduates at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) in Omaha at 1pm.
Ignite Nebraska is a new workforce training model designed to create meaningful career development opportunities for individuals who are active in the workforce and receive public assistance benefits but are underrepresented in higher-paying, high-impact industries. BCBSNE collaborated with DHHS and the Department of Labor (DOL) to develop this new model.
The goal of Ignite Nebraska is to assist low-income individuals receiving public assistance gain the needed training and skills to obtain high-paying careers. Ignite Nebraska provides training with Bellevue University at no cost to individuals and on-the-job training in the field of information technology (IT) at BCBSNE. Upon completion of the program, individuals will earn a full-time rewarding job at BCBSNE or get help finding another local position to put their new skills to work. SNAP Next Step Employment and Training provides case management, supportive services, and budget assistance to help the individual transition off public assistance.?
Graduate Laura Croswell already accepted a position at BCBSNE and will start post-graduation saying, “I've always had a passion for IT, once I learned of this opportunity I had to jump on it."
Ignite Nebraska interested graduate Luke Grobeck because it taught skills that were in high demand, “I went into this training with some computer skills, but I got to learn so many different programs that will be great to know for building a career in IT." Luke has also accepted a position at BCBSNE working in data science.
“This is an incredible opportunity to assist Nebraskans while we develop a critical workforce." Said CFS Director Stephanie Beasley. “Ignite Nebraska is a product of a partnership that DHHS has prioritized to aid Nebraskans in becoming self-sufficient and prosperous. I can't wait to see what this first class of graduates achieves!"??
Soon after the first class of graduates begins their new positions, a second class will start going through the Ignite Nebraska program. DHHS will continue to work with more partners to get eligible Nebraskans enrolled in workforce development programs.