Ignite: The Lifestyle Magazine for Aspiring Jihadists and Bomb Makers (Flashbytes) Kindle Edition
Read - Ignite: The Lifestyle Magazine for Aspiring Jihadists and Bomb Makers (Flashbytes) Kindle Edition
"I got this magazine in the mail the other day. It’s called Ignite: The Lifestyle Magazine for Aspiring Jihadists & Bomb Makers. Not sure why it came to me.
"So I called the 1-800 number and got a hold of customer service. They told me there must have been some kind of mix-up and they would take me off their list. The woman was very nice."
Ignite: The Lifestyle Magazine for Aspiring Jihadists and Bomb Makers, is inspired by the real-life magazine, Inspire, published by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
Read - Ignite: The Lifestyle Magazine for Aspiring Jihadists and Bomb Makers (Flashbytes) Kindle Edition
What are Flashbytes? Catering to today’s ADD masses, Flashbytes are complete stories in 5 minutes or less.
Flashbytes are perfect for those brief outbreaks of mental awareness. Read Flashbytes while you’re waiting at the doctor’s office, the DMV, even dropping a deuce. After all, most songs last 5 minutes or less; why not read a story instead?
Read - Ignite: The Lifestyle Magazine for Aspiring Jihadists and Bomb Makers (Flashbytes) Kindle Edition