iGDN event
international Gender Design Network - iGDN
Das iGDN f?rdert und fordert gendersensibles Design in Theorie und Praxis. Fu?r intelligentes Design ohne Stereotype!
Join our Meet & Talk
Worldwide networking and exchange
ZOOM invite \\\ 5:00 pm Berlin time \\\ ~1,5 h
Our format "Meet & Talk" is made for the informal exchange within the international community.
Meet & Talk #1/23
Friday, 31 March \\ 5:00 pm \\ ZOOM
Gender Design Education
Fieldstudy by Ina von Rumohr \\ Promoted by federal and state scholarschips
Attitude or skill – How do German Design academics think about teaching Gender and Diversity?
The broad participation in the iGDN online-call in early 2020 - ?For Gender Studies and Gender Research in Design!“- prompted Ina von Rumohr (designer and iGDN activist) to gain insights by means of a field study at German universities. Therefore she interviewed German design academics in order to to determine how and by whom gender issues are currently integrated into design teaching and how the current structural and personal situation of the study participants look like.
The results of the study were first presented last fall within the workshop "Gender Design in Action? at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana in Mexico during a week-long iGDN workshop for students and faculty.
Meet & Talk #2/23
Friday, 28 April \\ 5:00 pm \\ ZOOM
Communication and intersectional feminism
Thesis extract by Yasemine Rizk \\ RFH Cologne Graduate
How to incorporate anti-racism and anti-sexism into the design process
How we communicate is how we perceive reality. Based on her own experience as a biracial woman, Yasemine Rizk (she/her) wrote in 2022 her Bachelor’s thesis on the importance of intersectional feminism in communication – visually as well as from a behavioural point of view. Following her research she developed a guide on how everyone, not only designers, create more inclusive and sensitive communication.
Meet & Talk #3/23
Friday, 29 September \\ 5:00 pm \\ ZOOM
Gender in Eco Design Approaches?
Talk by Prof. Julia-Constanze Dissel \\ Hochschule Darmstadt
Talk & Exchange
In this talk Julia-Constance Dissel gives insights into one of her research topics, questioning the integration of gender aspects in eco design approaches in scientific contexts. First findings and considerations will be presented; the talk is designed to encourage participants to engage with the relation of gender and ecology in design and also to initiate an inspiring exchange of experiences on the topic among the participants.
If you would like to register for our Meet & Talk event, write us an E-Mail. We look forward to your contributions and lively networking.
Write us: [email protected]
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