IFC is not just a file format and why this matters

IFC is not just a file format and why this matters

I read this article from Artem. An Era of Change: IFC is a thing of the past or why Autodesk and other CAD vendors are willing to give up IFC for USD in 14 key facts


I share many ideas, especially regarding flat formats and directly working with the data. However, I would like to add one aspect: challenging the underlying belief that IFC is a file format—it's also a data schema and an ontology.

Now you might ask why I should care. What is the difference? Or even what the f*** is an ontology? I press the export button, and I have an IFC file. That's right, you can export the designs as IFC files.

In this article, we will explore more what this means and why you should care. Please bear with me, I will try to start from the beginning and define a few concepts.

Key Concepts

File Format:

A specification that defines how data is encoded and stored in a file (e.g., CSV, JSON, XML, IFC). It ensures the file can be read and written by software. E.g. a comma-separated file with plain text.


A blueprint that defines the structure, constraints, and data types within a file or database (e.g., JSON Schema, SQL Schema). It ensures the data adheres to a specific format. The schema defines which columns you have in the example csv e.g. a Room number, RoomName, FloorMaterial, FloorArea.


A formal representation of knowledge within a domain, defining concepts, their properties, and relationships (e.g., OWL, RDF). It focuses on semantics and reasoning about data. In the ontology we save the information on what is a room, what is a FloorMaterial, What is a FloorArea, and the relationships e.g. that every Room has a FloorMaterial.

So following these definitions, IFC can be a file format, a schema or the foundation, or an ontology.

What Makes IFC Unique?

I see the real benefit behind IFC in its ontological definitions. It standardizes concepts like wall, column, space and which different types of walls we have - a shear wall, a moveable wall, ... and it even describes its properties. E.g. Is it external, has it fire safety requirements... and so on? And this is where it becomes a schema and an ontology.

The beauty of having this defined is that:

  1. Comparing different projects, without having to translate between different Standards/Software products.
  2. Reference to a standard when defining deliverables and not having to invent your own. This is especially relevant to public and professional clients.
  3. Different software solutions can build on top of that and can easily interpret this information for their own needs e.g. An architect models a wall, and a structural engineer wants to reuse this wall for a FEM simulation. Without having a common language to identify an element as a wall they have a problem. They need to come up with some (project-specific) process to make sure both tools understand the concept of the wall.

E.g. Imagine you are a CAD user and following a layer standard. It would be easy to tell the structural engineer, look all the exterior walls are on layer X. But do you know anybody who would trust this layer-based information in a workflow across different companies? Are there any quality assurance tools for layers? I don't! The result is, that everybody models/draws for themself. The same work is done over and over again.

Idea of Interoperability is threatened

Unfortunately, I see, that this idea of interoperability for data exchange was threatened, even before it started.

  • The belief that any SDK or API can solve it without a common understanding (ontology). For all nondevelopers, an API is a defined way of communicating with software. An SDK is a toolkit to create your Software based on common principles. So you could say, an API is a menu, telling you what you can order in a restaurant an SDK is the whole kitchen there you can cook by yourself.
  • Using Metadata is almost no topic for most companies. Their processes are built on paper/PDF and not on machine-readable data. Following this though, it's easy to come to the conclusion, that a common understanding is not necessary.
  • Implementation of a standard in tools lacks (and is complicated and expensive with IFC). I recently had a call with somebody making a case for not using the standard attributes (PredefinedType and ObjectType) because some tools added their custom naming to PredefinedType instead of the ObjectType attribute. And therefore it would be better to use a custom attribute for a naming schema. My point, when there is a standard use it properly!
  • Some software companies are not interested in interoperability and see it as a way to lock users in or acquire more users.
  • The believe that AI will solve everything and that data consistency and data quality won't matter anymore. It's exactly the opposite. Why do you think the two best working use cases for large language models are programming and marketing? Programming, because a lot of code is available for training and the code data is very structured. Marketing because the internet is full of it and errors have no big consequences.
  • Some people argue for other representations and standards for data exchange e.g. the USD developed by Pixar and now adopted by Revit is a promising candidate. I believe so as well, as it's a much easier file format. Just look at this syntax it's much simpler and more readable than IFC - but it's only a file format and not a schema or ontology tailored for the AEC industry:

#usda 1.0
    doc = "A simple USD example file."
    metersPerUnit = 1.0
    upAxis = "Y"

def Xform "World"
    def Xform "Environment"
        def Sphere "Sun"
            double radius = 10
            color3f displayColor = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
            customData = {
                string description = "A large yellow sphere."
                string category = "Lighting"

        def Cube "Earth"
            double size = 5
            color3f displayColor = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

But this is just a format describing HOW information is transmitted. NOT a schema extensive or an ontology as extensiv as IFC describing and standardizing the content!


Returning to the schema and ontology of IFC, here’s my core thesis:

Every formal language for describing buildings will ultimately converge on the same fundamental concepts and complexity as IFC. So, why not build on its foundation?

We should leverage IFC's robust schema and ontology while rethinking its file format to align with modern, flatter approaches. Simplifying the file format could make it more accessible without sacrificing its core strengths.

However, this assumes software companies are committed to fostering true interoperability. If they instead opt to switch to simpler alternatives like USD, they risk abandoning the essential complexity of a shared schema and ontology. The question is: does this serve the best interests of users?

Louis Casteleyn

Information Management (BIM) and digital construction | buildingSMART BeNeLux

2 个月

I think it's important to add that IFC5 embraces the USD format: https://github.com/buildingSMART/IFC5-development. I think the IFC ontology can be serialized as a USD json format, so I don't understand the fuzz about it.

Menno Mekes

practical BIM pioneer [Arons en Gelauff architecten]

2 个月

Great article! It is indeed very important to know about what ifc is. And, to realise it doesn't matter in what language/format/syntax it is written. STEP, json, or usd. It's a standard that defines (working on) facilities. (Buildings, roads, etc ) It's a standard so we can use each other's models. It's called interoperability. So stick to the schema no matter who you are.

Ivan Shtaer

BIM inquisitor, Power control expert, GIS expert, AI adept. BIMscan.app developer.

2 个月

IFC is a declarative modeling language (a dialect of the EXPRESS language), in fact it is an object-oriented programming language, but it is not executable and does not have a compiler.

Andreas Haffter

Digitalisierung - wenn es zu kompliziert ist, fehlt der richtige Kontext.

3 个月

For those who know that Geometric representation of an IFC object is just an Attribute, will wonder why the hek you should give away all the powerful aspects of this schema/ontology. For them it's like exchanging our language by a catalogue of pictures showing how things look...You would not do that, would you? For those who don't know IFC (and those who don't think it is of any good) think of ways to interconnect your catalogue of perfectly shaped, but dumb object attributes (that's what geometric representation is) in a complete complex building structure and it's ecosystem (project, processes and relations) which will be derived by using IFC. The big thing is not geometry, it's object orientation. Think about it... One last thought: You can use IFC to form complete sentences (like in our native language), so why not using it to communicate with your team members, associates, vendors, sellers, contractors,.. it could be as easy as sitting together and having a chat about a column, that will be delivered next Friday. See, it's that simple.

Thomas Broos

Automating building design @ Moondoor B.V.

3 个月

Bless you for recognising the ontology part.


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