IEEE 41st International Conference on Consumer Electronics 6-8 January 2023 | Las Vegas, NV, USA | In-Person
Dr.-Ing. Christian Gross
Leiter Technischer Vertrieb bei Blue Energy Group AG | Regenerative Energieerzeugung | IKT | Management von Informationstechnologien | Consumer Technology
IEEE 41st International Conference on #ConsumerElectronics " Consumer Technology Innovations For Better Life" 6-8 January 2023 | Las Vegas, NV, USA | In-Person
The 41st IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (#ICCE 2023) is the IEEE Consumer Technology Society’s annual flagship conference that will take place in conjunction with #CES. ICCE 2023 will bring together top professionals from industry, government, and academia from around the world. The theme of the conference is "#ConsumerTechnology Innovations For Better Life". The conference will provide networking opportunities for participants to share ideas, designs, and experiences on the state-of-the-art and future direction of consumer technologies. ICCE 2023 will feature comprehensive high-quality technical and industry programs covering traditional and contemporary topics delivered through lecture, and interactive oral presentations, tutorials, industry forums, mixed panels and high-profile keynotes.
Gary Shapiro acclaimed author, lobbyist, president and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)? - which represents over 1,500 consumer technology companies, owns and produces the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)? - explains why Consumer Technology means Innovations For a Better Life.
Call for Papers (CFP)
The ICCE-Las Vegas Organizing Committee is calling for Technical Papers in the following Regular Tracks.
Industry Forum Proposals
Proposal submissions are sought for Industry Forums (IF) on the latest technical and business issues, challenges, and solutions in CE industry.
Tutorial Proposals
Proposals are invited for half- or full-day Tutorials on all the Regular Tracks, particularly related to the conference theme.
Proposals relevant to topics listed in the above tracks and related theme are also welcome.
CFP and Special Session Proposal Form can be downloaded below.
Important Dates
Paper Submission: Sep. 30 2022 (extended) Paper Acceptance: Oct. 31 2022 Camera Ready Paper: Nov. 15 2022
Industry Forum Proposal
Paper Submission: Sep. 30 2022??(extended) Paper Accepatance: Oct. 30 2022 Camera Ready Paper: Nov. 15 2022
Thank you Christian. Certainly, it will be a great conference with many features, well known keynote speakers, Technical Program, Industry Program, Tutorials, Workshops. And will be at the same time in Las Vegas with CES trade show. Do not miss this opportunity.