Unending gratitude and appreciation for the energy, openness, and kindness of the Artificiality community who gathered for the Imagining Summit this weekend in Bend. We journeyed through the blending of synthetic and organic worlds, intimacy, spatiality, knowledge, consciousness, minds, kids & the future, inclusion, art & music. We learned, challenged, explored, wandered, and wondered. We sparked new friendships and deepened old ones. We feasted, shared stories, listened, and laughed. Helen and I are grateful beyond words for this extraordinary group taking a risk with us—trusting that we would give everything we have. We are inspired and overwhelmed. And we are already planning next year’s Summit! Thank you again to our sponsors—Oregon State University-Cascades, Bast AI, Wiqi—and our partners—House of Beautiful Business, DXM, Bend Entrepreneur Lab Much more to share soon. For now, here are a few photos. Aekta Shah, PhD Adam Cutler Alan Eyzaguirre Barbara Tversky Beth Rudden Cathy Clarke Don Norman Elena Sergeeva Jamer Hunt John Pasmore Joscha Bach Josh Lovejoy Lee Swearingen Michael Levin Rix Kramlich Steven Sloman