IDIQ News!

IDIQ News!

IdentityIQ Article:

How Does Credit Card Fraud Work?

Although most people think of money and theft when it comes to credit card fraud, it’s also a form of identity theft. If you want to know more about credit card fraud, how it happens, and how to help prevent it, you’ve come to the right place. Our article explains how people can hack your credit card account, the different types of credit card fraud, how to help prevent credit card fraud, and what your next steps should be. Click the image to read the full article

IdentityIQ Article:

The Importance of Family Identity Theft Protection

In today’s interconnected world, your family’s digital footprint grows every time you click, post, or shop online. While the internet has its perks, it also exposes your personal details that could be vulnerable to misuse. Our new blog sheds light on the intricacies of family identity theft protection. We explore how such theft occurs, who’s most at risk in your family, and have actionable family plans to help fortify your security. Click the image to read the full article!

MyScoreIQ Article:

Which FICO? Score Do Lenders Use?

If you want to apply for a mortgage, take out a new credit card, or apply for an auto loan, any reputable lender will probably look up your FICO? Scores before giving you a loan. FICO? Scores are important indicators of your credit health and will largely determine mortgage terms and lending rates. This article gives you a better understanding of FICO? Scores, why they matter, and which credit scoring models are used for different types of loans. Click the image to read the full article!

Top data breaches this past week

Here are the top data breaches reported this week, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center:

Community Trust Bank (vendor) - MOVEit Transfer

  • Breach Reported: 09-08-2023
  • Date of Breach: 05-27-2023
  • People Impacted: 99,389

Brady Martz & Associates PC

  • Breach Reported: 09-08-2023
  • Date of Breach: 11-18-2022
  • People Impacted: 53,524

MedMinder Systems, Inc.

  • Breach Reported: 09-01-2023
  • Date of Breach: 02-07-2023
  • People Impacted: 12,146



