The idiot-bar
Last morn, born as it dawned, not ev'n aware??????'twas Sunday morn,?
Began scrollin' what I call, my "idiot-bar", with its boon n bane, as like the idiot-box,?
when somethin' within me,?
"Can you do away wit' it, at least 24/1, leave alone 24/7?"
I took up THE CHALLENGE, to begin broodin' of things next to heav'n,?
Bein' the Day of Resurrection -
A day, not only, of perfection, provision 'n' preservation, but in particular, what was now most needed, of the ring of PROTECTION, from the idiot-bar, leave alone covid-19;?
On a lovely day, to top it up like a cherry on a sundae,?
The Palm Sunday!?
The donkey that i was, just gazin' at the idiot-bar, day 'n' night, all of these long, long hours, days, weeks n months on end,?
Determined this day, in His perfect grace abide, 'n' do away wit' ma tempter, the idiot-bar, keeping it afar.?
Dawn to dusk as a donkey wit its Rider;?
Humbli' myself to Him,?
Who humbled Himself to His Father;
So much lost in Him that much later realized havin' begun the day wit' a call on the idiot-bar,?
Promisin' the last four verses of Isaiah 55 at sunrise,?
Finished the day wit' another call on the same idiot-bar, Seekin' prayers at sunset,?
Wit' the in-between wit' ma 'groom, Who's the world's BESTest,?
Who today helped prove, the one n only I AM, the great I AM, in me reigns,?
Wit Whose mercy the idiot-bar is tamed.?
by beena, the donkey, 28 Mar., 2021