Idioms “aid and abet, in a pinch, hot air, corridors of power, by all means, piss and vinegar, 24/7, give a good account of oneself, hold all aces, a bit much” definitions, in Portuguese and Spanish
aid and abet
Meaning: to help someone, typically in a mischievous or illegal activity
Portuguese: ser cúmplice de alguém, ajudar fazer algo [be somebody’s accomplice, help to do something]
Spanish: ayudar e incitar, ser cómplice de alguien [help and incite, be somebody’s accomplice]
in a pinch
Meaning: being in a situation in which the preferred or ideal solution is not available
Portuguese: em uma emergência [in an emergency], em um aperto [literally, “in a tightening, in a squeeze; figuratively, in trouble]
Spanish: en caso necesario [if necessary, as occasion requires], de ser necesario [if it were necessary], en un apuro [in case of need], si es necesario [if it is necessary]
hot air
Meaning: empty talk, bluster, bombast, brag, braggadocio, bull [slang]
Portuguese: papo [chat], papo furado [idle talk], [Brazil] conversa fiada [small talk, idle talk, bullshit], conversa mole [idle talk]
Spanish: palabrería [empty speech, idle chatter], exageraciones [exaggerations], falsa promesa [false promise, hollow promise, hot air]], , música celestial [nice-sounding words], promesas vanas [empy promises, worthless promises, idle promises]
the corridors of power
Meaning: a place of position in wich especially political power is wielded through discussion and deal-making
Portuguese: os corredores do poder [the corridors of power]
Spanish: los pasillos del poder [the hallways of power], las altas esferas [the highest (political) circles,
by all means
Meaning: most assuredly, certainly
Portuguese: certamente [certainly], sem dúvida [without a doubt], absolutamente [absolutely], de todo jeito [in every way, at all events]
Spanish: 1) (interjection) por supuesto [of course], no faltaría más [no more could be missing] 2) (adverbial phrase) por todos los medios [through all means], de todas formas [in every form], de todos modos in all ways], a toda costa [no matter what it costs], a toda luz [manifestly, from every point of view], sin falta [without fail, by all means]
piss and vinegar
Meaning: spunk, backbone, fortitude, grit, guts, pluck
Portuguese: bravura, determina??o, coragem,
Spanish: 1) energía [energy] 2) vitalidad [vitality]
Meaning: twenty-four hours seven days a week
Portuguese: vinte e quatro horas por dia, sete dias por semana [twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week]
Spanish: disponible todo el tiempo, todo el tiempo [available all the time, all the time]
give a good account of oneself
Meaning: perform well especially in a competition or confrontation: to acquit
Portuguese: causar uma boa impress?o de si mesmo [cause a good impression of oneself]
Spanish: dar buena impression [give a good impression], causar buena impression [cause a good impression], hacer buena impression [make a good imprssion]
hold all the aces
Meaning: to have a strong advantage over others in a contest, competition, etc., similar to literally holding all the aces in a card game which often would be the best hand
Portuguese: possuir as cartas na manga [possess the cards in one’s sleeve], possuir todas a vantagens possess all of the advantages], estar numa posi??o vantajosa [be in an advantageous position]
Spanish: llevar las de ganar [take those for winning], llevar todas las de ganar [take all those for winning]
a bit much
Meaning: a little ore than one wants to endure
Portuguese: um pouco demais [a little bit too much]
Spanish: demasiado [too much]