
Common sense has lost its principles within human mentality. Common sense is challenging too many within generation Xennials, Millennials, iGen / Gen Z, and Gen Alpha. I almost hit a little boy while taking my daughters to school this morning.

This boy was running on the grass alongside his friends. I was driving going westbound on the street. He suddenly ran a crossed the street with blinders on right in front of my vehicle! Thank God, there weren’t vehicles coming eastbound. I slammed on my brakes, and when he made it across the street, he looked at me with fear in his eyes. I shook my head right to the left at him and said, “Never; never; never!” He stood there for a minute and as I’m sure he was replaying what just happened.

My daughters in the car said, “That was suicidal.” I replied by saying, “yes baby it was.” I continued my route as I was only about 15 feet from the school entrance. I glanced in my mirrors and observed the little boy, and he didn’t continue to run. He walked the remaining distance to school. As I pulled into the schools drop off lane and dropped my daughters off in front of the school. I parked and got out of my vehicle to explain the incident that just occurred, and told school authority that he needs to be taught on how to look both ways before crossing.

It takes a community to raise these children and what matters the most is acting when needed too, not for profit nor saying it’s not my responsibility, because we are stronger together. This encouraged me to write this article on the behalf to take a stand and speak my mind for tomorrow May 1. It’s supposed to be teachers walk out day! I want all my teachers out there to know that pay varies within the value of positions.

This is nothing new from the teacher’s views, and each teacher took their education and applied for their duties to serve as teachers. You accepted the pay, responsibilities, and duties. Why we are facing the lack of responsibilities and work ethics within our economic system is due to the lack of education that was provided. I agreed with former president Obama when he stated, “pay the teachers from the student's evaluation!" Not everyone deserves equal pay! We're not perfect, but how we handle situations have significant impacts!


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