IDFA convinces with new concept of executive platform

IDFA convinces with new concept of executive platform

International trade fair seminar at MESSE ESSEN

Three days, three hot topics: At the International Trade Fair Seminar from September 17 to 19, 2023, around 80 executives exchanged views on current challenges facing the trade fair industry. Recruiting specialists, IT security and the future of B2C trade fairs were the focus of the three seminar strands, the content of each of which was prepared by a member of the Interessengemeinschaft deutscher Fachmessen- und Ausstellungsst?dte (IDFA - Association of German Trade Fair and Exhibition Cities). The new concept of the networking platform for decision-makers celebrated its premiere at MESSE ESSEN.

For the first International Trade Fair Seminar after the pandemic, the IDFA members have further developed the event concept. The previous networking character is now flanked by a strong content offering. "With the International Trade Fair Seminar, the IDFA brings together executives who work together on very specific issues facing our industry," explains Oliver P. Kuhrt, Executive Chairman of the IDFA and Managing Director of MESSE ESSEN. "For the excellent content preparation of the three seminar strands, my express thanks go to Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH , Leipziger Messe and Messe Stuttgart , who have taken over the sponsorships. The response to the new concept was outstanding."

Trend-setting impulses for the trade show industry

The sponsors each dedicated their program to a topic that is currently of particular concern to the trade show industry. Inspired by keynotes from experts, the individual seminar groups worked intensively on solutions around the respective issue. A joint wrap-up session at the end of the seminar day ensured that the participants benefited from the results of the work of all the groups.

Human Resources Manager Kirsten Harms directed the first seminar strand for Hamburg Messe + Congress, which focused on the subject of a shortage of skilled workers. Under the title "Trade show companies: The great unknowns in the labor market?" the group shared strategies for successfully attracting and retaining talent. To this end, best-practice examples were presented as well as experiences and approaches to solutions shared by the individual trade show locations. One focus of the seminar was on finding young talent and employer branding for Gen Z that is tailored to the target group. Marcus Merheim , founder of hooman EMPLOYER MARKETING , reported on this from his consulting practice and presented the individual phases leading up to the development of an employer brand with a clear profile.

Leipziger Messe dedicated the second seminar to the topic of B2C trade fairs and curated it together with the Institute for Event Research at Chemnitz University of Technology. The head of the institute, Prof. Dr. Zanger Cornelia , put the program under the question "Quo vadis public trade fair?" and shed light on the future opportunities of the event format between cult and crisis. Following the overview of current research findings, the group then went into more detail on individual points in World Café style, before focusing on Gen Z here as well. Sandro G?rtner , Head of Digital Communications at Leipziger Messe, spoke about the requirements for addressing this young target group.

Messe Stuttgart was responsible for the third seminar and focused on the topic of IT security. Dennis Stamm , CIO and Director Digital Services & IT, reported under the motto "What the hack?" on how the dreaded cyber attack became reality and what lessons Messe Stuttgart was able to learn from the 2019 hacker attack. Inna Claus , Chief Detective Inspector at Polizei NRW | North Rhine-Westphalia State Criminal Police Office, sensitized the participants to the topic of prevention. This was also the point of departure for Florian Oelmaier 's presentation. The authorized signatory of Corporate Trust, Business Risk & Crisis Management GmbH introduced the participants to the Darknet and the world of hacker groups. Since a hacker attack can never be completely ruled out despite all precautionary measures, the seminar also addressed the topic of cyber insurance. Thomas Droberg , Head of Cyber Insurance at the industrial insurer Marsh Deutschland , explained what to look out for when concluding a contract that is suitable for the company.

After the intensive seminar day, the participants had the opportunity to talk to each other and exchange ideas on the topics across the groups at the networking evening.

#messeessen #idfa #messeseminar #networking #tradefairseminar

Wirklich eine sehr gelungene Veranstaltung mit Top Inhalten und Zeit zum Austausch!

Thomas Droberg

Head of Cyber Insurance │ CYRIS │ Marsh Deutschland

1 年

Vielen Dank für die Einladung, die gute Organisation und die spannenden Gespr?che ??

Zanger Cornelia

Professorin und Beraterin für Events, Messen, Kundenbeziehungsmgmt. (CRM), MaFo, Markt-/Kommunikationsstrategien

1 年

Sehr inspirierende Veranstaltung mit tollen Teilnehmern, vielen Dank ??

Marcus Merheim

hooman EMPLOYER MARKETING | OMR | ZEIT Talent | Personalwirtschaft | BVDW | Quadriga Hochschule

1 年

tolle Veranstaltung, freue mich wenn ich ein paar Impulse geben konnte!



