Identity’s a mental wardrobe
George Simons
Creator and Editor of diversophy?. Consulting, training in IC communication & negotiation
At the start of life,
others chose how you would dress,
told you who you were.
Did a uniform
democratize your schoolyard,
make you a target?
You build over years
of wants, roles, expectations
selves you wish to show.
Each one’s a costume
for your daily trick or treat,
endless Halloween.
At today’s masked ball,
you choose whom to dance or hide,
seduce or deter.
This season’s colors
hanging in your closet-mind,
suggest whom to wear.
What’s life’s weather like?
Gaze out your social window.
Whose garb’s in season?
How do you decide
a self's too tight or fits well?
Can you move with it?
In your neurostore,
shopping for identities,
you say, “That’s not me!”
You may also hear,
“But it fits you to a t!
Go on, try it on.”
In the dressing room,
maybe you’ll like it, maybe not,
though it’s fashion now.
Not worn for a while…?
“That’s too big!” or, “That’s too small!”
But it’s you that changed.
Who stays closeted?
Who’s not afraid to come out,
not scared of bright light?
At the Last Judgement –
do the artists paint it right? –
we all stand naked!
Can you find your face?
Will you know who’s standing there
in that blessed crowd?