Is Identity Theft Protection Worth It? Here’s What to Know
In the criminal world, identity theft is a big business.? According to the most recent figures from the FTC, there were nearly 1.4 million cases reported in 2020 in the United States alone, about a third of which resulted in financial losses, and there were likely many more that were not reported.? When you add in the numbers from other wealthy nations, including Canada, the UK, Australia and the members of the European Union, well… there’s plenty of incentive for identity thieves to keep doing what they’re doing.?
That means there’s also plenty of incentive for consumers to protect themselves.? A number of services are available to meet that demand, including various identity theft protection products and even identity theft insurance.? But is identity theft protection worth it for most consumers?? There’s no hard and fast answer — it’s a call you’ll have to make for yourself — but we can help by breaking down the pros and cons for you.?
A Quick Review of Identity Theft
Before we get into identity theft protection, let’s take a moment to review what identity theft actually is.? In brief, it’s when someone who isn’t you uses a portion of your personally identifying information to fraudulently act in your name.?
That information might include:?
Once they’ve got it, identity thieves can use this information in a number of problematic ways, such as:?
Identity Theft Can Really Mess You Up
Any combination of these things can make a hash of your life and credit rating, and sorting them out can be messy.? It can often take months for the repercussions of a damaging identity theft to be sorted out.? Some of your losses — fraudulent charges on a credit card, for example — can be easy to recover, but what about the time and money you invest (and the hardships you encounter) while you’re doing that??
In its 2021 report on the aftermath of identity theft, the Identity Theft Resource Center found that 40% of last year’s victims were unable to meet their bills as a result of the identity theft.? Many more had to take on additional debt to make ends meet (not easy when your identity has been compromised), or were unable to secure housing until the theft was resolved.? Chillingly, some 8% of respondents also reported having suicidal thoughts in the aftermath of their identity theft experience.?
Clearly, any protection you can get — from identity theft itself or from its aftermath — has definite value.?
How Identity Theft Protection Works
So having established that identity theft is a Very Bad Thing, we’re left with the question of whether to get some protection.? First, to be clear, the term “identity protection” is a bit of a misnomer: these services won’t (and can’t) prevent your identity from being stolen.? What they can offer is some combination of these services:?
Is Identity Theft Protection Worth It??
Deciding whether identity theft protection is worth it (for you) is purely a value judgment.? To decide, look at the pros and cons, the price of the service(s) you’re considering and the actual services offered by that particular vendor.?
The Cons:?
The Pros:?
Whether it’s worth it is a question of your budget and the extent to which you’re willing to invest your time instead of money.? Many of the leading services cost $10/month or less, which is pretty modest (probably a lot less than you spend on coffee) for something that can save you a lot of money and frustration.? As always, caveat emptor: be sure you understand what you’re paying for, and what’s not included, before you commit.??
How Identity Theft Insurance Works
Like identity theft protection, identity theft insurance comes with a big asterisk: it’s not going to make good on your total losses.? That’s because you already have protections against a lot of them.? Your bank and your credit card companies, for example, will reimburse you for most fraud-related losses, and some losses might even be covered by your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance.?
Identity theft insurance is intended as a backstop to those other protections, a way of recovering some of the losses that might otherwise fall through the cracks.? These might include things like the costs of assembling, notarizing and mailing or couriering all of the documentation you’ll handle during the recovery stage of an identity theft incident.? There will be a lot of those — remember, you’re interacting with credit-reporting agencies, government agencies, law enforcement, your banks and creditors and potentially collections agencies as well — so that sometimes becomes a nontrivial cost.?
Unless your scammer is caught and you have the opportunity to bring a civil suit (don’t hold your breath), it’s probably also your only opportunity to be compensated for things like lost wages or legal fees.?
Is Identity Theft Insurance Worth It??
One again, let’s look at the pros and cons:?
The Cons:
The Pros:?
As with identity protection services, you’ll need to compare the cost of having it to the cost of not having it, and decide whether you’re comfortable with that math.? The trade-off is one of money versus peace of mind, and the relative worth of those two commodities comes down to your budget.?
Paid Protection Is Only Part of the Picture
It’s important to remember that neither of these products actually prevents identity theft; they just help minimize the costs and repercussions for victims.? Even if you’ve opted for one or both, a few proactive steps (or habits) can round out your security by reducing the likelihood that you become a victim in the first place.?
One way to shorten the odds of your information going astray is simply to reduce how much of it is out there.? Consider scaling back your social media presence, auditing your followers or making your accounts private.? Use your mobile OS’s security features to limit which apps can access your location, contacts and other information (and remove the default metadata from your photos before you post them).?
Be security conscious, inside your home and out.? You don’t have to be a networking pro to change the default password on your router, for example.? When you’re using your devices away from home, don’t log into sensitive sites (banks, credit card accounts, government agencies) from public networks.? On the subject of passwords, make sure yours are strong, and don’t reuse them from site to site (get a password management app, it really helps).?
It’s probably impossible to completely remove the risk of identity theft, but this combination of proactive prevention and help with the cleanup can keep it from becoming a life-changing trauma.