Identity theft protection for smart people
By now you have probably seen or heard the news about the largest data breach in American history, impacting just under 50% of US citizens.
While the Equifax breach is very significant, I write today not to inform you about what you already know, but to educate you on a few things you likely don’t.
I hear often as I travel the country educating people on the risk of Identity Theft and the product I recommend. “I already have free ID theft protection through my bank/credit card/etc...” My reply? “Actually, you have been misled to believe it is protection. What you have is marketing and monitoring, not protection.”
It is a stone-cold fact that most products, especially those offered after a data breach, are marketed under the guise of “ID Theft Protection” but are little more than credit alert services which could just as easily be free to the consumers that have been tricked in to paying for them or believing they will somehow limit their exposure to the ID Theft epidemic in the world today. A series of free services all packaged up and marketed as something we should pay for is generally more like it. Why do people continue to fall for these deceptive trade practices? Unfortunately because of two big F’s….fear and free.
Most products marketed under the guise of “ID Theft Protection” are little more than credit alert services which could just as easily be free to the consumers that have been tricked in to paying fees for them. Get credit monitoring, consultation, and identity restoration with IDShield.
It is important to note that, being involved in a breach does not mean you are a victim of identity theft; at least not yet. It simply means your credentials have been exposed to people and places that you did not authorize by a company or companies that at some point, you trusted. So why in anyone’s right mind, would we be expected to trust that same company to provide us a true solution to the very problem that they created? Seriously? Asking me to register for your "free protection"? The same "protection" that just lost my data in the first place? The same "protection" that in the fine print says I waive my right to have any legal recourse against you for losing my private information? Please Equifax, you must be crazy. I have identity theft protection for smart people.
News Flash: Not all ID Theft products are the same. Find a product that has a long history of protecting people around the world. One that not only has proactive monitoring features, but also reactive restoration features when and if you ever need them. This is exactly why I chose to recommend IDShield to my employer clients years ago, and why our services now serve over 140,000 companies and protect millions of individuals. Take a look for yourself and see what real identity protection looks like for your family, your company, and your employees!