Identity & Illness
It’s very easy for your illness/injury to become your full identity. For many of us, our illness feels like having a full-time job on top of everything else we have to do in our lives. We must make calls, emails and appointments, take tests, do research, take our medications, treatments, etc. It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed and get wrapped up in it and forget who we were pre-illness.
Everything changes when you get diagnosed with an illness. You no longer can do many of the activities you used to do. Your time now has limitations. Your finances can become an issue, your mental health is affected, and you can become isolated due to pain, being uncomfortable, fear or depression. That is a lot to handle.
What if we treated our illnesses and injuries in a more holistic manner? Illness and injury can cause burnout due to the prolonged stress, fears, and changes. We can get to that burnout place where we feel mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually fatigued and exhausted. If all areas can be affected due to our illness, why aren’t we treating all areas? I want you to look at you're healing and self-care in a holistic manner.
First, become self-aware: How did you change positively due to the illness/injury? How did you grow? What were some lessons you learned about yourself? Take some time to write out the answers.
After we go through the physical healing and we have dealt with the changes, we can have post traumatic growth. This is when we have positive psychological changes in our life in the wake of a crisis or trauma. This doesn’t happen right away, but it can happen. When we have post traumatic growth, we challenge our core beliefs about our life and our future.
We ask ourselves such questions as:?
1. Who am I??
2. What kind of future do I want?
3. What does the world look like currently and what kind of world do I want to live in? How do I get there??
4. We notice shifts in our priorities, what is important to us and what we value.
5. We have a greater appreciation for life. We feel more grateful and look for ways to be more grateful.
6. We have more strength, courage, and resiliency.
7. We have new connections/relationships. We strengthen some of our relationships and remove the toxic relationships.
8. Spiritual awakening – we start a new spiritual practice/routine, we feel more connected to others, nature, animals, and a higher power.?
Have you grieved your pre-illness/injury life? Once we get a diagnosis, we get so wrapped up in what that means and the anxiety of it all, we forget about our past life. We need to grieve for it. When we lose something that is important to us, grieving is involved.?When we grieve, it helps us heal. During the grieving stage, you can feel many different emotions which are completely normal and natural. You can go from denial to anger to depression and back again to anger. There is no right or wrong, don’t judge. The last part of grieving is the new norm. The new norm doesn’t mean life is great or that you won’t have mixed emotions. It means, you will get into a place of acceptance and moving forward with your life. Take your time through this process.?
Acceptance is very important. Acceptance doesn’t mean you quit or give up. True acceptance is letting go of the fight/resistance. The more we resist, the more stress we have. It's accepting where you are at this moment. When you truly accept, you take the time to heal, to let go of the resistance and move forward with clarity and focus. You move forward from a place of love not fear.?
Mindfulness – taking a few minutes each day to pause. Mindfulness brings us back to the moment where we are our happiest, most productive, and creative. When we are mindful, we reduce our stress, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, self-soothe, and calm ourselves.
Remember, illness/injury is part of who you are, it will change you forever but it’s not the whole you
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