Identifying your purpose in life is a key component to success at work.
Our careers can be at odds with our core values and belief system. Often testing us, who we are and what we stand for on a daily basis. God didn’t intend for us to live this way. God intended for us to live life and life more abundantly: A life of joy, contentment and service to others.
The good news is, each of us has unique abilities that, when expressed or used, make the world a better place. Most likely you enjoy doing these things naturally, you daydream about them and you find that people respond well to you when you do them. Perhaps they’re things you gravitate towards during out –of-work activities, and that people admire you for.
When you cultivate these talents as far as you can, you can make your greatest possible contribution to the world, and enjoy personal and professional satisfaction that goes along with this.
Key questions to determine purposeful work
-When have you felt most passionate?
-When have you felt the most enthusiastic?
-When do you feel the most creative?
-When have you felt confident about your choices and decisions?
-What makes you take a really strong stand?
-Have you felt God nudging you in a certain direction?
-Do you feel excited about going to work each day?
-If money were no object, what would you be, do and have?
-Is there a job at work that you would love to have?
-What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
-What hobbies and interests do you have outside of work that you feel you could get paid for?
Carl Mathis, author of "Purpose Your Purpose"
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