Identifying and Managing your Boss
One of the biggest issues that we have now of days in business, is the simple fact that we employee's fear getting fired especially if you struggle to control yourself at the point of performance. Contrary, to popular opinion you should never let your boss manage you or you are simply another thing that becomes a liability rather than an asset. What do I mean by this? You need to be proactive whenever possible and focus on providing value to your boss as he is your customer who pays you long-term. That's right I do not have a got damn boss, he is merely a customer to me who I please and then I gain money in return, when I view my boss as my customer than I can work towards anticipating his needs and I am also able to shift the power-balance without having to be in fear of him.
You need to manage your boss, anything he says or does is always coming from a place that is meant to promote a sense of authority and dominance especially during your day-shift situations become increasingly toxic and tension builds. This is know as the work-politico and it is inescapable. whenever and wherever you find yourself, you will find that groups of people are vying for power in non-profits, business, charities, social groups. As Aristotle said, man is a political animal and it is an inevitability, that you adapt or you lose your job. Manage him and get a promotion or he will manage you and find you as a liability who needs to be told what to do and will be seen as increasingly incompetent, thereby expended.
As an employee, my first recommendation to let your boss know that you do not need him, is to always have other options, keep learning, keep improving and keep reskilling yourself. Work on that side-gig whenever you can and turn on other income streams and you won't have to feel fear when he attempts to coerce you to do things you do not wish to do. Next, demand the absolute highest pay automatically to let him know that your no slouch, your not going to take crumbs but you will demand what your actual value is if he wants access to your time and commitment to grow his company. Above all, you should always grow your own business with his pay he gives you until you can expend of him. That's right, whenever I get a job I ask myself, how long will it be for when I can fire him? No one fires me, because I increase my options like how I diversify my stock portfolio. Buying bitcoin, litecoin and other crypto's is another example of not letting one suitor control your destiny which is critical.
By running your own business you manage your boss indirectly by slowly developing your own confidence and deciding that you will control your own destiny by taking the initiative and build something that is not dependent upon your paycheck. Your paycheck will all be used for building a business which you will use to fire your boss. You will act confident and act like what he says does not bother you because why? Simple, your building something that will free you from the rat-race to allow you to do what you want to do without being dependent on a pay-check that could be taken away from you at any moment.
If covid-19 has taught me anything is anything can happen, so we should always have emergency and contingency plans put in place to protect us. In this respect, managing your boss comes from doing actions that are preventative in nature and stop the situation from arriving to begin with. In chess, we call this prophylaxis move and it eliminates the necessity to be reactive which is often a defensive move rather than an offensive move. Therefore, to manage your boss, make sure you make a good impression, tell him nothing off your plans, stay silent, limit your discussions of home-life, be pleasant even when annoyed, work towards doing your best possible job in advance, anticipate his objections to your work and make him come into your "frame", work towards being efficient with your time and be professional and keep things superficial. Business of your "customer" aka your boss is a transactional outcome, he is not your friend, he isn't anything. Be cordial, be Polite, Do not be rude and make sure that your the best possible hard-working employee and make sure he see's you working hard. Market the living shit out of your hard-work to him and give him an upsale on the next promotion and the next wage raise and meet his objections efficiently and concisely.
While your being proactive, your employees do the bare-minimum, they work to get done, not to increase their productivity to maximize their capacity to be free from the rat-race. You are the queen bee in sheep's clothing and you need to move quietly such that your boss cannot detect your intentions. Be active, be calm and be useful to your boss while you are working on replacing him, day by day, week by week , month by month your leverage and you breaking away your dependency from the drug called your pay-check will eventually let you be free and start your own company such that you can dictate the terms of service of your life and freeing your time such that money is now working for you, rather than you working for money.
Thus, the objective of servicing your boss, is to make yourself absolutely indispensable and work towards maximizing your customers dependence aka your boss on you, such that their is never a possibility of being fired. Move quietly and nimbly towards your business objectives while using your paycheck not as a means to acquiring more material items but rather as a mechanism for acquiring more capital, such that you can convert that capital into an asset that provides consistent passive income such that you can live off it. Ultimately, the smart employee realizes, that he is the boss and he manages his boss by managing his expectations and oversupplying his needs to maximize his revenue profits from his "job" and converts this revenue by reinvesting in a new-startup idea to free himself from his customers expectations aka his boss. Think of your job like a business and your boss like a customer and you will go very far. (Finish all tommorow)