Identifying Duplicate Values in an Excel List
Rui Miguel Soares Freitas
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Reading this from Excel Foresics page, sharing with you.
- Select the range of cells you wish to test. One way to do so is to click on a single cell and then press Ctrl-A.
- On Excel's Home tab, choose Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cells Rules, and then Duplicate Values.
- Click OK within the Duplicate Values dialog box to identify the duplicate values.
- Duplicate values in the list will now be identified.
- Right-click on one of the duplicate cells, choose Filter, and then Filter by Selected Cell's Color.
This collapses the list to show just the duplicate values, which you can copy and paste to another worksheet, or otherwise manage, as shown bellow
To remove the conditional formatting, one approach is to click the Conditional Formatting button, choose Clear Rules, and then Clear Rules from Entire Worksheet, as shown
Enjoy and visit Excel forensic webpage for more. Thank you.