Identify your Dream.
You are not here to live small. You know that.?
You may have used your fears, doubts, or insecurities in an attempt to escape your true desires, but you are called.?There is a reason why you are dissatisfied. There is a reason why you feel unfulfilled. There is a reason why things never seem to work out for you. You have been lying to yourself by pretending that the life that you have is the one that you want. You have been cheating yourself by settling for what you can have instead of what you want.
The good news is that it is not too late. Where there is breath, there is possibility. But, like many things, the possibility comes with a caveat. There is a price for ignoring your soul. When you are inspired by an incessant urge to follow your desire and you do not follow through, there are repercussions. It may begin with the universe tapping on your shoulder, but, if ignored, it will end with an incredibly hard kick in the ass. That which you previously found uncomfortable will become unbearable. You are sabotaging your own joy and the universe is compassionately trying to remind you of that which you have fearfully ignored with tough love.
Today is your reminder. If this message is for you (which it probably is since you are reading this--that's no accident), consider this your wake-up call. You deserve better and it is time to take the steps necessary to get it. Rather than being consumed with how you are going to do it, begin by identifying the unlived dream. What is it that you would really like to be doing?? If your ego tells you that you do not know, that is a lie. Open the door with the list. First, begin by listing all of the things that you do not want or can no longer tolerate (that should be easy). Then, go back and review. For each item on your list, ask, "if I don't want this, what DO I want?"? Write it down. This will open the door of your subconscious and enable the ideas to begin to flow.
Once you have identified your dream, commit to one thing that you can and will do to move you a step closer to your dream. Next week, commit to another, etc. Take it slow. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
Success or sabotage? Success is achieved when you are aligned with your true calling.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Answer the call. Explore your passion and remember what it feels like to experience joy again.