Identify, track and measure affiliate marketing activities
Recently we have had more Shopify merchants ask questions about #affiliate marketing analysis:
Eric, our user in the United States mentioned several requests that are quite popular among all affiliate marketing in eCommerce.
Our solution
For existing affiliate links with UTM parameters
Attribuly already identifies affiliate networks via "utm_medium=affiliate" parameter. Our next step is to make the affiliate an independent channel in Attribuly.
For existing affiliate links without UTM parameters
This is the most common case. You may have many published links on YouTube, blogs, and social media.
We may need you to upload these links to Attribuly after downloading from your affiliate network. Or Attribuly retrieves the links via API. Some excellent software already supports API connection, such as our partner UpPromote .
For Future affiliate links
Retrieve commission, affiliate name, and other information
To calculate the ROAS and profit at the order level, Attribuly retrieves this information via API or postback.
What makes Attribuly different
Attribuly is a Shopify marketing analytics that analyzes the entire customer journey across channels. Measures the affiliate marketing performance among other marketing channels, and helps merchants make informed decisions on optimized budget allocation.
Supported networks and roadmap
We will start to work with UpPromote first, by March 2024. Then we will integrate with more networks, such as Goaffpro ShareASale, Owned by Awin and more.
Feel free to reach us or comment below if you have any requests related to affiliate marketing measurement. ??