Identifiers in Python – Naming Rules & Best Practices
Malini Shukla
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Ways to Define Identifiers in Python
We can define identifiers in Python in a few ways:
“An identifier is a user-defined name to represent a variable, a function, a class, a module, or any other object.”
“It is a programmable entity in Python- one with a name.”
“It is a name given to the fundamental building blocks in a program.”
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Python Identifier Naming Rules
a. Rules in Identifiers in Python
So we know what a Python Identifier is. But can we name it anything? Or do certain rules apply? Well, we do have five rules to follow when naming identifiers in Python:
a. A Python identifier can be a combination of lowercase/ uppercase letters, digits, or an underscore. The following characters are valid:
- Lowercase letters (a to z)
- Uppercase letters (A to Z)
- Digits (0 to 9)
- Underscore (_)
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Some valid names are:
- myVar
- var_3
- this_works_too
b. An identifier cannot begin with a digit.
Some valid names:
- _9lives
- lives9
An invalid name:
- 9lives
c. We cannot use special symbols in the identifier name. Some of these are:
d. We cannot use a keyword as an identifier. Keywords are reserved names in Python and using one of those as a name for an identifier will result in a SyntaxError.
e. An identifier can be as long as you want. According to the docs, you can have an identifier of infinite length. However, the PEP-8 standard sets a rule that you should limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.
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b. Lexical Definitions in Python Identifiers
To sum those rules up lexically, we can say:
identifier ::= (letter | “_”) (letter | digit | “_”)* #It has to begin with a letter or an underscore; letters, digits, or/and underscores may follow
letter ::= lowercase | uppercase #Anything from a-z and from A-Z
lowercase ::= “a” … “z” #Lowercase letters a to z
uppercase ::= “A” … “Z” #Uppercase letters A to Z
digit ::= “0” … “9” #Integers 0 to 9
Best Practices in Identifiers in Python
While it’s mandatory to follow the rules, it is also good to follow some recommended practices:
- Begin class names with an uppercase letter, begin all other identifiers with a lowercase letter
- Begin private identifiers with an underscore (_); Note that this doesn’t make a variable private, but discourages the user from attempting to access it
- Put __ around names of magic methods (use leading and trailing double underscores), avoid doing this to anything else. Also, built-in types already use this notation.
- Use leading double underscores only when dealing with mangling.
- Prefer using names longer than one character- index=1 is better than i=1
- Use underscores to combine words in an identifier, like in this_is_an_identifier
- Since Python is case-sensitive, name and Name are two different identifiers.
- Use camel case for naming. Let’s just clear the air here by saying camel case is myVarOne and Pascal case is MyVarOne.
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