Identification of Your Passion and it's Alignment with Your Profession

Many people don’t know their passion because some of them never cared for it and some of them are good at more than one or two things in life and enjoy dealing with all that’s why they don’t know which one their passion is. A key advice for such people to find out their passion.

Step 1 - Please write 5 things in descending order of priority that you are good at.

Step 2 – Choose at least 3 things from above list that excite you from within or you enjoy doing that. Arrange them in descending order of priority. I mean what you like most should be at the top and the least should be the last.

Step 3 – Do some research and find out which one is having better growth opportunities at present and in future as well. Again, arrange them in descending order of priority. Keep the highest opportunity giving one at the top and the lowest one at the end of your list.

Step 4 – Choose any of the top two from your list and the selected thing is your passion.

Now as you know your passion so its time to put your head, heart and hands all together with best of your capacity to pursue your newly identified passion to have abundance in your life.


