Senior Cybersecurity Analyst and Architect: MScs/ PMP/CompTIA Security+/CompTIA Cloud +/CompTIA Secure Cloud Professional/ CISM/ CRISC/ CEH/ AWS Cert DevOps Eng– Pro/ AWS Cert Sln Arch – Pro/ CCCSA/ CCCSM
Identification and Description Types of Networks
Overview of network types and topologies
There are a variety of networks that aids in better transmission of information from one entity or individual to another. The devices located in a place aid in better accomplishing of the work once they are properly interconnected. For example, a printer may be connected to a computer, photocopy machine, and CCTV cameras to aid in properly delivering the information. Therefore, the various type of networks aid in the proper undertaking of the businesses. The various types of networks include Local Area Network, Metropolitan Area Network, Campus Area Network and Wide Area Network. Topology is how the computers are connected to one another. These are the varieties of topologies utilized in the various entities, bus, ring, star, mesh, and hybrid.
Summary of how and when each network type (LAN, MAN, CAN, WAN) is used
A local Area network: involves connecting groups of computers with low voltage devices where they are supposed to be within a short distance. The distance could be within the same room, close building, or in the same building where information and resources are shared. The Local Area Network can be connected to the Wide Area Network using the routers to aid in the quick and safe transfer of information. The various LAN are connected using the MANs using the telephone lines.
Metropolitan Area Network incorporates elements from the Wide Area Networks and the Local Area networks. The Metropolitan Area Network aids in distributing the information in a geographical area. The maintenance and ownership of the Metropolitan Area Network are undertaken by an individual or the company owning the devices. These networks are always smaller than Wide Area Network.
Campus Area Network: these networks are larger than the Local Area network. These networks are largely utilized in universities, colleges, K-12 schools districts, and small businesses to convey information. The computers and other devices must be close to one another where the information is distributed across building close to one. This type of network has aided in better conveying of the information by the school administrators, lecturers, and students.
Wide Area Network: these networks aid in connecting computers and other devices situated at wider physical distances. The computer and the low-voltage devices are connected to aid in better conveying the information and the data for the networks situated over long distances. The Wide Area Network is used globally; for example, the internet has aided in better conveying of information worldwide ("An effective approach to 5G: Wireless network virtualization", 2022).
Network topologies used with each network type
Bus topology: usually have one cable where all the devices are connected by using the drop lines. Tap is the device utilized in connecting the drop line to the main cable. The limitation of the drop lines and the distance the main cable can cover. There are fewer cables utilized during the installation of the networks, and also it is very easy to make the installation. Due to the easy installation process, they exist issues in detecting any faulty whenever it arises. Small networks are used in this type of topologies like LANs and CANs.
Ring topology: the devices in this topology are connected to two devices on each side; therefore, each device usually has two dedicated points to aid in linking to the other devices on both sides. The data in this type of topology is transferred through a ring mode where the information is sent in one direction from one device to the other. Each device in the ring topology has a repeater which aids in forwarding the information to another intending device to receive the same information. This type of topology is very easy to install and manage. The issues encountered in this topology are that data traffic issue exists, and also any failure in the link can lead to the failure of the whole network. It utilizes small and large networks like WANs, MANs, CANs, and LANs.
Star topology: Hub is the central device where each device in the network is connected; the communication is made through the hub and not through a device to the other device (Zhao et al., 2019). Therefore, the information is first received by the hub from one device then the hub conveys the information to other devices where the information was intended to reach. It is easy to install, easier to detect faults, robust, fewer cables are needed, and cheaper means of installation. If the hub experiences an issue, the whole network fails; therefore, frequent maintenance and resources are needed to operate effectively. It utilizes small and large networks like WANs, MANs, CANs, and LANs.
Mesh topology: a dedicated point-to-point link is established where each device is connected to every other device in the network. Every link carries the data from two connected devices only (Davis, 2019). In these topologies, data traffic issues are not encountered as the dedicated link aids in connecting the data to two devices only. It is reliable and robust due to the failure of one link does not affect the other; thus, the flow of the information continues to flow normally. It offers a secure source of information as the topology utilizes the point-to-point link where unauthorized personnel cannot access the data. Many wires and cables are needed to install the links and networks in this topology; hence they make the installation tedious. Scalability issues arise as the device cannot be connected with multiple devices?with a point-to-point link. It utilizes large networks and critical business operations like the WANs, CANs, and MANs.
Hybrid topology: is the topology that combines two or more topologies like the mesh topology and the star topology (Feng et al., 2015). It is more scalable as other computer networks can be connected with the existing networks. Various issues are experienced like it is not easier to detect any fault, the installation method is not easier, and it is expensive to maintain this type of topology as it is more complex to install. It utilizes large networks like WANs and MANs.
Benefits and limitations of each network type
A local Area network: is simple in installation and aids in the better and more efficient transfer of information for the computers and devices that are close or within a short distance from one another (Browne, 2022). There is minimal cabling, thus making it inexpensive in installation. It is more reliable. The limitation of this network is that it cannot be utilized with devices at far distances; also, the security of the information in this network as routers can aid in quick access of the information by unauthorized users.
Metropolitan Area Network has a wider spread of information. It has high scalability as the networks can be connected to other networks for efficient transfer of information; it is more reliable and efficient (Annesley, 2018). The limitation of these networks is that it is expensive during the installation and maintenance, more cabling is needed, and in case of failure of one network, some issues are encountered in the transfer of the information.
Campus Area Network: it is easier to distribute the information using these networks, as the computers and other devices are close to one another in terms of distance. It is an inexpensive network as short cabling and installation is done on these devices (Jain et al., 2019). It is more reliable as more information is transferred within a distance; thus, some corrections can be done instantly. The limitations in these networks are that a single point of failure can contribute to affection in distributing the information to the other devices as mesh topology is used.
Wide Area Network; aids in the ease and widespread of the information. It is scalable as networks are connected to one another, aiding in better distribution of the information. It is more reliable as the data is transferred across various networks, thus making it more useful to many people. It is flexible as all the users can access the information at any time. The limitation of this network is that the network lacks security features to secure the data, thus leading to unauthorized information being accessed by unauthorized people.
Considerations for implementing these network types
The following consideration should be made during the implementation of the various network types; first, it is necessary to understand the network goals by analyzing whether it will offer the right components and the resources the individual or the institution requires. The second consideration is the creation of a proper budget which aids in better acquiring the required components to develop the required networks (Assegie & Nair, 2019). The third consideration is offering training on the team member’s policies and the components to make the network successful. The fourth consideration is security, where the users and developers of the networks should ensure that the network, they want to adopt will aid in securing the information on these sources. The other consideration is IT maintenance which should be frequently maintained, which mostly depends on the institution's size. Scalability, automatic updates, and forward thinking should be made as this will boost the flexibility and reliability of the distributed data.
An effective approach to 5G: Wireless network virtualization. (2022). Retrieved 30 March 2022, from Annesley, C. (2018). Need for speed: Designing a modern campus lan. In Computer weekly (pp. 19–24).
Assegie, T., & Nair, P. (2019). A review on software defined network security risks and challenges.?TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control),?17(6), 3168.
Browne, J. (2022).?What’s the Difference Between Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6?. Retrieved 30 March 2022, from
Davies, G. (2019).?Networking fundamentals.
Feng, Z., Qiu, C., Feng, Z., Wei, Z., Li, W., & Zhang, P. (2015). An effective approach to 5G: Wireless network virtualization.?IEEE Communications Magazine,?53(12), 53-59.
Jain, V., Yatri, V., Kanchan, & Kapoor, C. (2019). Software defined networking: State-of-the-art.?Journal of High Speed Networks,?25(1), 1-40.
Zhao, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Geng, G., Zhang, W., & Sun, Y. (2019). A Survey of Networking Applications Applying the Software Defined Networking Concept Based on Machine Learning.?IEEE Access,?7, 95397-95417.
By Audrey Kevin DZALI NOUMBI