Ideation Stage 101

Ideation Stage 101

Recently, the number of smartphone users has increased and now there are thousands of people using smartphones. Earlier, phones were used to talk and connect with your family, friends, colleagues, and others, who live far away from you. But with time the needs change; now phones are no longer just used for calls. There is a lot more one can do with a smartphone.

Why people purchase a smartphone? What do they get in it? The answer is exciting apps. Yes, there are various apps launched by various sources to provide entertainment and knowledge to the users. You can easily get an app for anything on Playstore or Appstore. People, who develop such apps, not only get rich or get paid for their work but they also get famous for the same, if the app becomes a huge success.

In case you are also in the Ideation stage to build an app, then the following tips will be quite helpful for you.

1- Don’t focus on earning

If you have decided to develop an app then in the starting, you must not focus on money. Keep your main motive of developing an app to keep it simple, useful and entertaining. Put all your efforts to make your app very powerful that people get attracted to it. Since this is your first app, don’t concentrate on the amount you will be paid for it. Just focus on how to give a perfect touch to it.

2- Get an idea from other apps

You can find many apps on your smartphones. If you desire to launch the finest and excellent app then you should prefer taking an idea from the existing ones. There are apps which have many competitions but still, people take the idea from it to develop similar ones. For example, Facebook developers get inspired by it to develop other apps. And they are betting big on shamelessly copying almost every new social app idea. You can also go in the same way. Take ideas from the similar apps and use your own skills to develop better than them

3. Get an idea of social media

Social media can provide you with the relevant information you want for building an app. People use social media to express their problems, views, and other issues. Identify those problems and find out a certain one for which there is no app or 1 or 2 apps. Try to focus on them; this can give a great scope to your app.

4. Try solving problems of people via app

There are thousands of problem that people face in their day to day life. These problems can be related to their lifestyle, business, and other activities. People usually search the solutions for these problems online or maybe by downloading certain apps. You can take the opportunity of providing them with the same. Make a research about the common problems people face and whether they have an existing app for that or not.

5. Hire a programmer

If you are done with researching, then hire a programmer for coding. Make it clear to him the purpose of forming this app to avoid future conflicts. Tell him that you are just making it to provide fun and entertainment to the people or to solve their problems and gaps. This will help him deliver the work as per your requirement with fewer modifications.

Make sure that your app must contain some useful things which can attract a large number of people.

What are your little secrets? Leave in Comments.


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