Ideas worth sharing! SandPool in living room!
SandPool in your living room? Possibly for many professionals needed tool to achieve InFamily / RemoteWork Equilibrium. I write this article due to a prolonged lockdowns and many people suffering from various cases (no work, too much work, loneliness, mess in relationship, etc.). Especially if kids are continuously around, and there is no "Private Space at all". It can lead to unpleasant long term consequences for all involved. With this article I wanted to share some of the ideas on how various situations can be dealt, from my perspective, and who knows it might assist others as well. I have been "fortunate" during my life with creativity (smartest people on the earth state that you become creative after 10-15 years in subject you are interested in, and I can fully agree to that statement). 2nd creativity appearance statement is that person becomes creative when feeling relaxed and NervousForce fluid is enough to activate creative energy. So where do you stand?
Why Relaxed feeling, feeling of safety, feeling of freedom even in lock down is crucial to attain: United Nations official article "The World's Women 2020: Trends and Statistics" states: "Violence against women and girls remains a global issue. During COVID-19 lockdowns, many women and girls have been isolated in unsafe environments where they are at heightened risk of experiencing intimate partner violence". - My feedback. I have seen numerous, including National Geagraphic statements, girls need to get education, which is very needed and I stick to that, however I could not find any article about boys education since they (we) are the ones with more physical force, and producing 2million potential kids on a daily basis and after some time those "kids" are looking for natural escape and this is where boys, men, possibly, can make regrettable things, it can happen on all levels. (Weinstein, Epstein). I have been at sea for 19 years and had time to understand few fundamentals every boy should learn, not by a chance. Will provide more info in following articles. In the family it is crucial that everybody feels safe, relaxed and able to develop. This RelaxingSet with SandPool in living room is the beginning of positive chain reaction - kids busy, developing small motor skills, sensors are being fed by positive information, thus brain via Thalamus is sending that all is in good order I am safe, I feel good, I can explore. Together we can create better environment for kids at the same time grownups can have a more relaxed time. Everybody, who has or had kids knows, that kids need action, this is how they grow.
As a Creator of "RelaxingSet" and "BeachinOffice" and by being Captain, having 2 Masters degrees I offer you those ideas for immediate use. Everything on offer can be DIY so please use it, share it.