Ideas, Strategy, Execution: One Straight, Smooth Road To Traction, Driven By Your Event Designer
Mages Ruiz Diaz
Director | ? Acts of Imagination Creative Agency ? — Injecting wonder and awe into revolutionary brands who want to transcend the ordinary | Brand, Creative & Events
There are a few essential components needed to take your project idea from ‘slightly insane’ to ‘absolutely perfect’. Events need creativity to be effective, but must fuse ideas, strategy and execution to make them viable.
As the great Albert Einstein said: “If at first an idea is not absurd then there is no hope for it”.
When your brand is constantly vying for attention, begging for approval and buy-in from a jaded audience, you need to provide that pizzazz, ding ding, POW! Effect. You, or better still, your Event Designer, must push the boundaries of imagination and creative thought to come up with The Big Idea that will sort your wheat-y brand from the chaf-y others out there.
How to do this: Start with a teensy idea seed for your event that is so insanely leftfield that it could never really work in that guise, then anchor it, nurture it, greenhouse it with your team until it becomes a workable, manageable and, above all, perfectly representative idea for your brand. We must remember that however ‘creative’ an idea may seem, even with the most seasoned and experienced Event Designers, it is rarely a sudden flash of inspiration leading to the perfect idea. Which is why having a fully conscientious and experienced team at the helm is uber important too. Your event planner, among others, is essential to carry ideas from seed to sunflower. ENGAGE has many on tap: They can nurture your idea from ridiculous to perfectly brilliant by greenhousing. As the name suggests, this is feeding, watering and growing an idea; the nurturing behaviour that helps you grow strong ideas.
But as we all know, even with the perfect idea, if you can’t execute then what have you achieved? What have you got to offer your potential customers? Zero.
You need a balanced approach to your project. Time to consult with your team.
Think of your Event Designer as your Right Brain: Creative, colourful, emotional, random, imaginative. We need to balance this to achieve effective strategy and execution. So, the rest of your team has to be (largely) Left Brain: Logical, systematic, organised, factual, linear (with a sprinkling of right-brained randomness for good measure). When the best of the left and the right brain are working in synch, then the most creative and the most practical ideas are born.
These are the science of creativity. As we all know, in the marketing world, ideas are currency. And how you express your idea is what sets your brand apart from all others and adds real value to your product. Event Designers are obviously used for their creative flair. They need to be ideas generators, as well as window & set dressers, fashion designers, styling gurus, interior designers & colour experts. A tall order, but one that allows them to shine when generating ideas for your product launch.
Simplicity must be the driving force. No smoke or mirrors. You need clear, concise strategy to ensure your project is perfectly delivered. You want your team to understand the big picture, and to do this you have to make the thinking visible.
However brilliant your idea is, it’s nothing without innovative execution. It’s like painting a masterpiece and then sticking it to the wall with Sellotape, unframed, all wonky. Your event has to be executed to the fullest extent, the best way, to a sea of admiring art critics.
The fusion of hardcore strategic thinking and good creative ideas is a powerful tool. Your wonderful Event Designer should be able to work in tandem with your events team to make this magic happen. Simply put (wow – that’s a first!), ideas without strategy or proper execution are not enough and your brand could suffer detrimentally as a result if you don’t fuse all three components to deliver a perfect event. So ensure you have that Dream Team to drive your creative ideas, with the strategy AND execution. Sure fire way for World Brand Domination!
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