Ideas for obtaining the best value for money in the NHS
This is a note my father shared with me just before the pandemic, but it may be useful to a new government in a couple of weeks! Two points in it particularly appeal to me:
from work in the House of Commons and on the Health Select Committee 2001-10.
Persuade clinical staff always to use / prescribe evidence-based treatments
Integrate primary care
For this to be fully possible the market in health care, in other words, the purchaser/provider split, would have to be abolished. The purchasers are the GPs via their Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and the providers are hospitals through the NHS Trusts.
The market in health care costs an incredible £14 billion per year for extra administrative staff. (Health Committee figure from 2010.) Abolition of the market could only be considered if the NHS was taken out of political control as the market is a Tory brain-child and their ideological necessity.
Improve patient education
Resurrect the productive ward initiative
Another valuable process started by the previous Labour government was to study different hospitals’ methods of treating the same illnesses to discover ‘Better Care Better Value Indicators
Improve the prevention of obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse.
Consider holding an open, public debate on health care rationing.
Consider the feasibility of paying off early the huge debt, building up for the next thirty years, from the building of hospitals under the private finance initiative (PFI).
AS AN AFTER THOUGHT: my five Cs of safe, high quality health care:
Competence, Compassion, Communication, Continuity and an effective, understandable Complaints process.
Posted two days after my father passed away. RIP Dr Taylor 7.7.1934-26.6.2024.